Tandy 4020SX vs. EMM386.EXE Solution There is a conflict with the Tandy 4020SX that uses a nonstandard drive like the 105 MB (it came with the unit that we purchased) and the EMM386.EXE memory manager that comes with MS-DOS 5.0 or 6.0. The conflict is most evident if one uses the NDD program from Norton (Disk Doctor). NDD reports bad boot sector and/or bad fats. If one removes the EMM386 line in config.sys, the apparent problem goes away. Other disk utilities like defragmenters are probably also affected. The conflict can be removed by adding the parameter NOMOVEXBDA on the DEVICE=EMM386.EXE line to prevent EMM from moving the Extended Bios Tables. This solution was given to us by the Tandy tech line in Texas. This parameter is documented in DOS 6.0 and also works in DOS 5.0 although not documented in that release. Jacques LHeureux, 70474,272