p I found a workaround that allows use of MS-WINDOWS SETUP procedure on a 2-floppy system without resorting to a PC. It follows: a. before starting SETUP, format 2 disks using TANDY MS-DOS FORMAT (Ver 2.11.22 of MS-DOS was used for this test). b. SETUP will recognize the fact that the disks are already formatted, and not bother you again for deviations until, c. SETUP asks you to put your DOS disk in drive a: to install DOS. It offers you the option to reply 'N' to bypass this step; take it (reply 'N') and SETUP continues to the end. d. Now FORMAT another disk using the /S/L options (system, label). When FORMAT asks for a label, reply 'WIN STARTUP'. c. Finally, copy SETUP's original STARTUP disk to the new STARTUP disk you created in step d. Use COPY *.*, not DISKCOPY. Leave action: