TANDY 1000 TX (250-1600) Connecting TV to a 1000TX Faxback Doc. # 1258 When hooking up a T.V. to a 1000 TX, the customers will encounter a screen that does not display the bottom 3 or 4 lines. This occurs because the computer is using a scan rate for a monitor, and a monitor has a higher resolution than a T.V. The computer is sending a picture that is too big for the T.V. You can boot up the computer into the T.V. mode by pressing the key on boot up. When you do this the computer changes its scan rate to a rate the T.V. can use. When you use the key on boot up, you will notice that the screen displays a 40 column mode. After booting with the key you can issue the MODE 80 command and the T.V. will display the 80 columns without the loss of lines at the bottom.