EGA/CGA Graphics Adapter (250-3048A) Software Utility Faxback Doc. 2156 Six utilities change operation mode as follows: EGA.COM Changes the Tandy EGA/CGA Adapter operating mode to EGA Mode 3. MDA.COM Changes the Tandy EGA/CGA Adapter operating mode to MDA or HERCULES. CGA.COM Changes the Tandy EGA/CGA Adapter operating mode to CGA mode 3. Note: If you are using a Tandy 1000, you cannot mode switch to CGA. SWITCH.EXE Menu driven operation of the above utilities. (Switch requires that EGA, CGA, and MDA be on the same directory.) VCGC.EXE Sets the Tandy EGA/CGA Adapter for HERCULES graphics operations after running MDA. AUTOMODE.COM Changes the Tandy EGA/CGA Adapter from EGA mode to CGA mode. Using the Switch Command: To operate Switch, follow the steps below: 1. At the system prompt, type any one of the following: SWITCH (lets Switch determine the appropriate display) SWITCH V (view all the Display options) SWITCH E (use the Enhanced Color Display options) SWITCH R (use the RGB Display options) SWITCH M (use the Monochrome Display options) Note: If you have a Tandy 1000, you cannot boot your system in the MDA mode. Instead, boot as a monochrome EGA and mode switch to MDA and Hercules. 2. The Switch logo will appear on the screen. Press any key (other than ESC) to continue to the next screen. 3. If Switch cannot determine your display type(s), the program displays the Select Monitor Menu so that you can select the monitor that is active on your system. If Switch can determine your display type(s), the program immediately moves to Step 5. Use the arrow keys to highlight your option and the return key to select your option; or, simply press the first letter of your option. (For example, press R for RGB.) Caution: Switch may perform with unpredictable results if you request an option not available for your system (for example, if your request Monochrome Display when no Monochrome Display is available). Press escape key (ESC) to exit Switch without making any changes to the video environment. 4. Switch displays the Mode Selection Menu. Use the left and right arrow keys to select the Display Adapter Standard you want to use. Use the up and down arrow keys to locate, and the ENTER key to select, the video mode that you want your system to be in upon leaving Switch. VCGC FUNCTION: Some application programs, particularly older version, require a utility to set up the graphic environment before they will operate properly in HERCULES mode. VCGC provides this function for your Tandy EGA/CGA Adapter and functions similarly to the HGC program supplied with HERCULES Graphics Adapters. If your application software does not run properly in HERCULES mode, run VCGC immediately before the application. VCGC.EXE allows three configurations: FULL, HALF, and DIAG.FULL is the normal operation configuration for HERCULES Graphics mode and is required by Lotus 1-2-3 Version 1A. FULL allows unrestricted access to the 64K of MDA memory. Never use FULL if and IBM color card is in your system. HALF allows an IBM color card to be in the system at the same time you are in MDA mode. HALF limits access to the first 32K of memory. DIAG limits access to the first 4K of MDA memory; this allows text only, without any graphics. Insert your Tandy EGA/CGA Adapter utility diskette. Type in one of the following: VCGC FULL VCGC HALF VCGC DIAG No Parameters: If VCGC is run without valid command line parameters, it displays a list of valid parameters and does not modify the HERCULES environment. VCGC IN NON-MDA MODE: Running VCGC while in non-MDA mode will reset any HERCULES graphic adapter or compatible. AUTOMODE COMMAND: Automode controls auto mode switching from EGA mode to CGA mode. Many CGA-only games can be started in EGA mode by using Automode. System Requirements * Jumper P3 must be set for Automode * Can only be run in EGA mode. Type: AUTOMODE Note: Each time Automode is run it automatically switches between Enabled and Disabled. To make sure that Automode is always enabled: Type: AUTOMODE E To make sure that Automode is always disabled: Type: AUTOMODE D Note: The mode switching program MDA, CGA, and EGA will disable AUTOMODE automatically. RESOLUTION SWITCHING UTILITIES: The RUN family of programs facilitates higher resolution operation of many applications that can be configured for additional rows and columns. There are two styles of operations: * Set environment for the execution of a program * Set environment to continue until EXIT Type: RUN=== e.g. RUN38 ED readme.doc e.g. RUN38 DIR e.g. RUN38 (sets mode--use "EXIT" to return to previous mode) Notes: * Default for EGA, CGA, and MDA is 80 X 25 * === is either 38 or 43 * To have DOS recognize extra columns, be sure that ANSI.SYS is not included in your CONFIG.SYS file. REBOOT UTILITY: The BOOTCGA program allows you to boot the system into CGA mode without having to change any switch settings. Note: If you have a Tandy 1000, you cannot boot in the CGA mode. At the system prompt, type: BOOTCGA The program will display a message and wait for you to prepare the system for a reboot. (For example, to allow you to put a CGA game diskette in Drive A.) Press ESCAPE to terminate without rebooting or changing the video mode; any other key will continue the reboot. (smm/jej-05/11/94)