4800 HD (250-3539) Serial Mouse/Trackball Usage Faxback Doc. #2488 When both the Mini Trackball (25-3545) and a serial mouse are installed in the 4800 HD, the MS-DOS mouse driver defaults to the mini trackball. The system never recognizes the serial mouse. To make the mouse driver recognize the serial mouse, it will be necessary issue one of the following commands: C:\DOS\MOUSE.COM /1 From the Dos prompt or AUTOEXEC.BAT DEVICE=C:\DOS\MOUSE.SYS /1 From the CONFIG.SYS This will make the mouse driver look at the serial mouse on COM1 instead of the built in trackball. However, to utilize the mouse in a Windows environment, you will have to change drivers through the Windows Setup. Otherwise, the mini trackball will operate, because the trackball uses the Microsoft or IBM PS/2 driver. To be able to use the serial mouse in Windows, just change to the Mouse Systems Serial or Bus Mouse driver in Windows Setup. If not, what you get is mini trackball usage in Windows, and serial mouse functionality in a DOS environment. (rjs-06/21/93)