MPC Audio Adapter (250-1099) Multimedia Audio Update Faxback Doc. # 2722 This bulletin contains an update to the information in the multimedia audio documentation. THE PATH STATEMENT Before you run the audio software setup utility as described in the Audio Software Setup Bulletin, check the format of the path statement in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. To view the contents of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file type: type c:/auotexec.bat and press ENTER to view the contents. The PATH statement must NOT contain the SET command or an equal sign (=) as shown in the following examples: set path=c:/dos;c:/windows path=c:\dos;c:\windows The following example shows the correct format for the PATH statement. path c:/dos;c:/windows Use a text editor to open the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and make any required changes. Refer to the MS-DOS documentation for more information about editing the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. After you verify that the PATH statement is correct, save any changes you made to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and refer to the Audio Software Setup Bulletin for installation instructions. As you install the audio software, the path is autistically updated to include Toolbook: path c:/dos;c:/windows;c:/toolbook This addition to the path enables your system to run some multimedia demos. (smc-11/29/93)