SENSATION! (250-1651) Audio Utilities Faxback Doc. # 2729 USING THE AUDIO UTILITIES The SB16SET and SB16MIX utilities let you control the audio adapter's mixer. The utilities perform the same actions, but SB16MIX remains loaded in memory unless you remove it. Review the following sections to run the mixer utilities. USING THE SB16SET SCREEN Before you run SB16SET, type MOUSE and press ENTER to verify that the MS-DOS mouse driver is loaded. To run SB16SET: 1. Change to the SB16 directory on the hard drive or Startup Diskette. 2. Type SB16SET and press ENTER. The SB16SET screen is displayed. 3. Make selections to adjust the volume, gain, and tone of the audio sources supported by the audio adapter. To exit SB16SET, click on the top left button of the screen or press ESC. USING SB16SET COMMANDS If you prefer, you can use SB16SET commands to adjust audio sources from the MS-DOS command line, To run SB16SET from the command line, type SB16SET [options], where options is one or more of the command line parameters described below. Check that you have typed all parameters correctly, and then press ENTER. PARAMETER DESCRIPTION /H Displays help /Q Runs SB16SET in quiet mode /R Resets the mixer /M:l,r Sets the master output volume level (l,r=left and right channel values from 0-255). /VOC:l,r Sets the volume level of voice output (l,r=left and right channel values from 0-255). /MIDI:l,r Sets the volume level of MIDI input (l,r=left and right channel values from 0-255). /CD:l,r Sets the volume level of CD input (l,r=left and right channel values from 0-255). /LINE:l,r Sets the volume level of line input (l,r=left and right channel values from 0-255). /TREBLE:l,r Controls the treble (l,r left and right channel values from 0-255). /BASS:l,r Controls the bass (l,r=left and right channel values from 0-255). /SPK:nn Sets the volume level for speaker output (nn=volume level from 0-3). /MIC:nn Sets the volume level of speaker output (nn=volume level from 0-255) /AGC:on/off Enables and disables Automatic Gain Control. /IPGAIN:l,r Sets input mixer gain (l,r=left and right channel values from 0-8). /OPGAIN:l,r Sets the output mixer (l,r=left and right channel values Rom 0-8). /OPSW: Enables (+) or Disables (-) the mixer output of the microphone, left channel CD input, and right channel line input combination. /IPLSW: Enables (+) or Disables (-) the mixer output of the microphone, left channel CD input, and right channel line input combination. /IPRSW: Enables (+) or Disables (-) the combined output of the microphone, CD input, and line input. USING SB16MIX The SB16MIX is a terminate-and-stay-resident utility, so it remains in memory even if you use other applications after you run it. After you run SB16MIX, you can press the hotkey to quickly invoke it. This enables you to control the mixer while you are running other applications. To run SB16MIX: 1. At the MIS-DOS prompt, type SB16MIX and press ENTER. 2. Press ALT+1 to activate SB16MIX. The mixer display appears. 3. Make selections to adjust the mixer. When you are ready to remove the utility from memory, type SB16MIX/u and press ENTER. CHANGING THE SB16MIX HOTKEY The ALT+1 key combination is the default hotkeys for SB16MIX. After removing SBP-MIX from memory, you can change the hotkey combination. To change the hotkey combination, enter a command in the following format at the MS-DOS prompt: SB16MIX/k hotkey Where hotkey is the key combination you want to use as the new SBP-MIX hotkey. The hotkey must include two keys: -A shift status key (SHIFTL, SHIFTR, ALT, or CTRL). -Any number (0-9) key on the main keyboard. For example, to change the hotkey to CTRL+6, type SBP-MIX/kctrl6 and press ENTER. THE WINDOWS MIXER The Windows mixer lets you adjust the mix sound from audio sources in the Windows environment. the mixer has the following features: VOLUME CONTROL Lets you control volume fro master, digitized voice, CD-audio, and inputs from MIDI devices, line-in, microphone, and PC speaker. TONE CONTROL Lets you adjust the treble (higher frequencies) and bass (lower frequencies) for an audio source. GAIN CONTROL Lets you increase or decrease the amplification of an audio source and adjust sound during playing and recording. You can increase input and output mixing sources 2,4, or 8 times. OUTPUT SOURCE SELECTION Lets you select one or more of the supported audio sources for playing or recording. RUNNING THE WINDOWS MIXER To run the mixer: 1. Run Windows. From the Program Manager, open the SoundBlaster 16 group. 2. Double click on the Mixer Control icon. The Windows mixer is displayed. 3. To use the moue with the mixer: -To make a selection, click on the chick box for an option. -To adjust volume for a source click and drag the sliders or click above a slider to increase volume and below a slider to decrease volume. To use the keyboard with the mixer: -Use the TAB keys to move from one option to another. -Press SHIFT+TAB to move backwards to an option. -Use the arrow keys to move the volume scroll bars for the master volume, FM (MIDI) music, a CD player, a microphone, a Line-in device, and Voice or Waveform. USING THE WINDOWS MIXER MENUS The following tables contain descriptions of the commands for the Settings, Options, and Help menus: SETTINGS MENU COMMAND DESCRIPTION Save Saves the changes make to mixer options. The new settings is the default when you start Windows. Recording Displays the Recording Control window. Exit Closes the mixer. OPTIONS MENU COMMAND DESCRIPTION Lock L/R Vol Locks the left and right channels of the audio sources. After you lock the channels, the left and right sliders move at the same time when you use them to adjust volume. HELP MENU COMMAND DESCRIPTION About SB16WMIX Displays the copyright information for the Windows Mixer. SELECTING AN AUDIO SOURCE FOR RECORDING You can select one or more of the following audio sources for recording: -microphone -line-in -MIDI -CD To select sources, choose the Settings menu and select the Recording option. The Recording Control dialog box is displayed. To get stereo recording, check that the left signal of the audio source is directed to the Left In channel and the right signal of the audio the Right In channel. Use the Gain window options to amplify the levels of both channels by two, four, or eight times. The Automatic Gain Control (AGC) automatically adjusts the input from the microphone to the best level for recording. 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