40 Meg Hard Disk Card (250-4059A) Settings Faxback Doc. # 3041 The 25-4059/A Uses the WD1002-27X controller and looks alot like the 20 meg controller board. This controller is an RLL and not a MFM style controller, the jumpers in some places do different things. SETTINGS FOR TANDY 1000 /A /SX /TX W3 jumpered Enable 64K BIOS ROM W4 2-3 I/O port 320 W5 unused Trace between 1 and 2 is installed W6 1-2 RWC disable W7 2-3 IRQ 2, S1-7 must be on W8 2-3 BIOS address C800Hex W9 off No translate mode S1-6 Jumped ALWAYS!!! S1-7 IRQ 2, W7 must be jumped 2-3 All other jumpers on S1 are open (off) SETTINGS FOR TANDY 1200 1000 SL SL/2 TL TL/2 Are the same as for the 3000/4000 series computer except for S1-8 should be off (off=XT style computer). *SEE BELOW SETTINGS FOR TANDY 3000/4000 W3 jumpered Enable 64K BIOS ROM W4 2-3 I/O port 320 W5 unused Trace between 1 and 2 installed W6 1-2 RWC Disable W7 1-2 IRQ 5, S1-7 must be off W8 2-3 BIOS address C800Hex W9 off No translate mode S1-6 Jumped ALWAYS!!! S1-8 Jumped = AT class computer * S1-8 off = XT style computer All other jumpers on S1 are open (off) Installation Note: Recommended expansion slot closest to power supply and information on media map (bad cylinders and heads) should be documented (written down) prior to install. (dkh-08/06/93)