Hayes Modem Command Summary Faxback Doc. # 5045 +++ Escape Sequence Use to enter command mode from on-line mode. Wait at least 1 second before and after the (+++). A/ Repeat Last Command String Reexecute the command line stored in the command buffer. A/ should be the only command entered on a command line. If a Dial command results in a busy signal, use A/ to redial the number. Note that "AT" and the terminating {CR} are not required for this command. ATA Manual Answer Causes the modem to answer an incoming call when in the manual answer mode. ATB0 CCITT V.22 Protocol Operates modem with the V.22 international data communications protocol. This protocol may be used at 1200 bps only. ATB1 Bell 103/212A Protocol Operates modem in Bell 103 (0-300bps) and 212A (1200bps) mode. 0-300bps operation always requires Bell Protocol. ATC0 Carrier Signal Off Disables Carrier Signal; carrier remains off until the ATC1 or ATZ (reset) command is issued. ATC1 Carrier Signal ON Restores automatic carrier signal on/off switching. When modem originates or answers a call, or is connected to another modem, the carrier signal remains on. ATD Dial Originates a call. Dial modifiers are added to the Dial command to tell the modem what, when, and how to dial. ATE0 Echo Off(command mode) Disables character echo (display) in command mode. Use ATE0 when what you type appears double. ATE1 Echo ON(command mode) Restores character echo in command mode. Use ATE1 When commands you type are not displayed. ATF0 Echo ON(on-line mode) Restores character echo of what is typed while on-line. Use ATF0 when data transmitted to a remote terminal is not displayed on your screen. ATF1 Echo OFF(on-line mode) Disables echo of what is typed while on-line. Use ATF1 when data transmitted to a remote terminal appears double on your screen. ATH0 On-Hook Controls switch hook relay. Enter ATH0 to go "on-hook" (hang up) from a remote modem connection. ATH1 Off-Hook Controls switch hook relay. Causes the modem to go "off hook". ATI0 Product ID. Returns modem's product ID code. ATI1 Checksum Returns modem's ROM checksum. ATI2 Internal Memory Check Test modem's internal memory; returns OK result code if memory is functioning; returns ERROR result code if not. ATL1 Adjust Modem Speaker to LOW volume. ATL2 Adjust Modem Speaker to MEDIUM volume. ATL3 Adjust Modem Speaker to HIGH volume. ATM0 Turns Modem Speaker OFF. ATM1 Modem Speaker Stays ON Until Carrier Detected. ATM2 Modem Speaker Always ON. ATO0 Returns modem to online mode after the Escape Sequence (+++) was used to enter the command mode. ATO1 Remote Digital Loopback OFF Turns OFF loopback function and returns modem on-line. ATO2 Remote Digital Loopback ON Request remote digital loopback and returns modem on-line. Remote digital loopback test the integrity of the modem and the phone line. ATP Pulse Dial Instructs modem to pulse dial all subsequent dial strings, unless overridden with a subsequent command string containing the T (touch-tone) dial modifier/ command. ATQ0 Result Codes ON Enables Result codes. ATQ1 Result Codes OFF Disables result codes. ATSr Register Pointer Sets pointer to the address of a specific register. The pointer remains set until a subsequent ATSr command is issued. The value of the designated register can be read or changed without specifying the register (e.g., if ATS7 is specified, type AT? to read the value of S7; type AT=n to change the value of S7). ATSr? Reads the current value of designated register. (r=register) ATSr=n Changes the value of the designated register. (r=register; n=value) ATT Touch Tone Dial Instructs modem to use touch-tone (DTMF) dialing for all subsequent dial strings, unless overridden with a subsequent command string containing P. ATV0 Numeric Result Codes Result codes returned as numbers (0-8) followed by a carriage return. ATV1 Word Result Codes Returns codes as words, followed by a carriage return {CR} and line feed {LF}. Registers S3 and S4 control the ASCII values of the {CR} and {LF} characters. ATX0 Basic Result Code Set (0-4) ATX1 Extended Result Code Set (0-5) ATX2 Detect Dial Tone Enables dial tone detection at 0-300 or 1200bps; enables extended result code set 0-6. Modem disconnects if dial tone not detected. ATX3 Detect Busy Signal Enables busy signal detection at 0-300 or 1200bps; enables extended result code set 0-5,7. Modem disconnects if busy signal detected. ATX4 Detect Dial Tone and Busy Signal Enables modem to detect dial tones and busy signals; enables extended result code set 0-7. NOTE* Result code 8, NO ANSWER, is not effected by any ATX command. Result code 8 is enabled only when the @ dial modifier is placed in a dialing string. ATY0 Disable Break Prevents modem from sending or responding to break (long space) signals. ATY1 Enable Break Enables modem to send and respond to break signals. Causes modem to send a 4 second break signal before disconnecting, and to disconnect when it receives 1.6 seconds of break signal. ATZ Software Reset Rests modem, restores all modem defaults, and clears the command buffer. ATZ is entered by itself on the command line, because it prevents other commands on the same command line from being executed. Dial Modifiers 012345 Digits and symbols recognized as part of a telephone number. 67890,#,* A,B,C,D T Tone Modem uses touch tone (DTMF) dialing. P Pulse Modem uses pulse (rotary) dialing. Pulse is the default dialing method. , Pause Causes modem to pause before dialing (length of pause determined by register S8; default is 2 ). W Wait For Dial Tone Causes modem to wait for a second dial tone before dialing (wait time determined by register S7) @ Silence Causes modem to wait for one or more rings followed by 5 seconds of silence. Use @ when accessing a system that does not produce a dial tone. ! Hookflash Performs the "hookflash" often used in PBX phone systems. Use ! to perform a PBX function such as transferring a call. / Wait 1/8 sec. Causes modem to wait 1/8 second before processing the rest of the Dial command. ; Return to Command Placed at the end of the Dial command before the carriage return, causing the modem to immediately return to the command mode after completing the dialing string. R Originate Call in Answer Mode R must be placed last in a dial string before the carriage return. Used to dial an originate only modem, this causes the modem to originate a call in answer mode. (smc-09/14/93)