LP 5 (260-1165) Features Faxback Doc. # 5668 The Line Printer V is a high-speed dot-matrix printer. The Printer includes a parallel interface for connection to a TRS-80 Expan- sion Interface, TRS-80 Model II or Model III. A built-in microprocessor controls the Printer and the communication with TRS-80/ basic operating instructions, self-test routines, and character patterns are resident in read-only memory (ROM) in the Printer. Other exceptional features include: * Bidirectional, minimum-distance access carriage action, for highly efficient through-out. * Upper and lower case English letters, English symbols, European symbols, and graphic patterns. * Software-selectable print densities (5,7.5,10 or 15 characters per inch). * Bold-letter print capability (10 characters per inch). * High-speed printing (160 characters per second, maximum). * Up to 198 characters per line (normal size character: 132 characters per line) * Software-selectable line densities (6,8,or 12 lines per inch) * Accepts paper width up to 15 inches. * Handles single or multi-part forms (original plus up to 4 copies) * Paper Out sensor automatically stops Printer when paper runs out * ON-LINE/OFF-LINE modes * Manual controls for LINE-FEED, UP ARROW 1/8 LINE, DOWN ARROW 1/8 LINE, SELF-TEST. (dtc-08/04/93)