Fax Modem (250-3581) Function Menu Faxback Doc. # 5881 The Communication Function Menu lets you access most of BitFax's features from one easy to use menu. This document explains each of the menu's options. OPENING THE COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS MENU If you modified your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, you can access the communication shell from any directory. Otherwise, you must go to the BitFax directory. To open the Communication Functions Menu, type COMSHELL and press [ENTER]. The Communication Function Menu will appear. To select an option, press the corresponding number. For example, press [1] to open the BitFax/SR Main Menu. You can also select an option by highlighting it and pressing [ENTER]. The following describes each command: SEND FAX MESSAGE: Opens the BitFax Main Menu. From there you can send a fax, edit or create a document with BitEdit, change your communication parameters, open your on-line phone book, and more. RECEIVE FAX MESSAGE Places BitFax in receive mode. DATA COMMUNICATIONS Opens a separate Data Communication Program, such as BitCom Deluxe. To use this function, you must have a dat communication program installed. (BitCom Deluxe is available from BIT Software Inc.). TEST FAX MODEM Opens the BFtest SETUP Menu. From here, you can issue commands to your modem to test whether it is working properly. PRINT CAPTURE Loads the Print Capture memory-resident utility (TSR). This utility is one of BitFax's nicest features. It lets you fax a document from virtually any DOS application - be it a graphic, a chart or a formatted document. SCREEN CAPTURE Load the Screen Capture Memory-resident utility (TSR). This utility takes a snap shot of your screen and converts it into a text or PCX graphic file, which you can then send as a fax. ISSUE DOS COMMANDS Opens a DOS shell from which you can use DOS commands. This command is useful for temporarily returning to DOS without closing BitFax. You will know you are in the DOS shell by the shape of the cursor (it will change into a block). To exit, type EXIT and press [ENTER]. NOTE: Be careful not to turn off your computer while in the DOS shell. First return the Communication Functions Menu and press [F10] to exit to DOS. UTILITIES FUNCTIONS Opens the Utilities Functions Menu. From there you can open View Fax and fax File-Conversion Utility. View Fax lets you view and print faxes that you have received. The file-Conversion Utility lets you convert files into graphic files for use in other applications. (SMC/all-06/06/94)