Fax Modem (250-3581) Installing BitFax Faxback Doc. # 5891 Before instaling BitFax, you need to check whether your modem is correctly installed. COM PORT Check which COM port your modem is using. Most modems are preset to COM 2. (The expansion slot that an internal fax modem uses does not indicate it's COM port number). Make sure your modem is not configured to the same COM port as any other serial device, even if that device is not being used. For example, your mouse and modem cannot both be set to COM 1. Most modems have switches or jumpers that let you change their COM port setting. (Refer to your modem's user guide on how to change it's COM port setting). COM 3 AND COM 4 If you are using COM 1 and COM 2, you might have trouble using COM 3 and COM 4. The problem is that these four COM ports share just two interrupt signals. For each COM port to work correctly, each needs it's own interrupt signal. COM 1 and COM 3 share the same interrupt number (IRQ 4), as do COM 2 and COM 4 (IRQ 3). Thus, if your mouse is configured to COM 1 and your modem is configured to COM 3, your modem and mouse will be trying to use the same interrupt signal. To solve this problem, some modems and serial cards let you change their IRQ settings. NOTE: If you are using a bus mouse, check it's IRQ setting, too. BitFax includes an installation program that will automatically install BitFax on to your system. To install BitFax: 1. Insert your PROGRAM DISK into DRIVE A. 2. Type: A: \INSTALL The installation program will begin and instruct you how to install BitFax. SETTING UP YOUR ENVIRONMENT For BitFax to run correctly, you need to modify the files AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS. Your computer reads these files each time you boot your system. The AUTOEXEC.BAT file, among other things, loads memory-resident (TSR) programs, sets the PATH and sets your environment. The CONFIG.SYS file configures your system. These files are located in your root directory. To go to the root directory, type C:, press [ENTER], type CD\ and press [ENTER] again. To edit these files, use an ASCII test editor (i.e. DOS Editor) or a word processor. If you use a word processor, remember to save the file as an ASCII (test-only) document. NOTE: If the Installation Program already modified your environment, you do not need to change these files. Follow these instructions to modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT file: 1. Open your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Use and ASCII test editor or a word processor that can save documents as text-only files. 2. Find the statement "PATH=." If you cannot find this statement, add it on a new line. 3. Add the BitFax subdirectory to the end of the PATH statement. Separate each subdirectory with a semicolon, as in this example: PTH=C \DOS;C:\UTL;C:\BITFAX; This command tells your computer where BitFax is, so you'll be able to start BitFax from any directory. 4. Add the following commands: SET BITFAX=C:\BITFAX SET RECVFAX=C:\RECFILES These commands set your environment to send and receive faxes, and allow BitFax to read it's configuration correctly. The first command specifies the directory BitFax will use when listing files to send. The second command specifies the directory in which BitFax will save received faxes. NOTE: Make sure the directory to which you set RECVFAX exists. If not, create a new directory. 5. If you want to load Receive Fax automatically when you start your computer, add the following line: RECVFAX For example, RECVFAX 2 NOTE: Place the RECVFAX command after the PATH and SET statements. 6. Save your modified AUTOEXEC.BAT file and close your editor. If you are using a word processor, be sure to save the file as an ASCII (text-only) document. Follow these instructions to modify your CONFIG.SYS file: 1. Open your CONFIG.SYS file. Use an ASCII test editor or a word processor that can save documents as text-only files. 2. Change the BUFFER and FILES parameters to: FILES=25 BUFFERS=30 If you cannot find these statements, add them on a separate line. 3. Save your modified CONFIG.SYS file and close your editor. If you are using a word processor, be sure to save the file as an ASCII (test-only) document. 4. Reboot your system. You must reboot your system for the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files to take effect. CONFLICT WITH MEMORY-RESIDENT PROGRAMS Some memory-resident programs (TSRs) work poorly with BitFax, and conflicts might arise - you get error messages or your computer freezes. For example, BitFax will not work with some menu systems, Microsoft Windows 3.0, SideKick and some network software. If you have trouble, try running BitFax without any TSRs loaded. Here's how: 1. Go to your root directory. At the DOS prompt, type C:, press [ENTER], type CD\, and press [ENTER] again. 2. Rename your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files. To rename the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, type RENAME AUTOEXEC.BAT AUTOEXEC.SAV and press [ENTER]. To rename the CONFIG.SYS file, type RENAME CONFIG.SYS CONFIG.SAV and press [ENTER]. 3. Restart your computer by holding down the [Ctrl] and [Alt] keys while you press [Del]. If your computer asks for the date and time, press [ENTER]. 4. Change to the BitFax directory. Use the DOS command CD (change directory), for example: CD BITFAX 5. Type BitFax to restart BitFax. 6. Repeat the procedure that caused the problem. If this solves the problem, then BitFax was probably conflicting with another TSR. To resolve the conflict, try changing the order in which the programs are loaded in the AUTOEXEC.BAT. You can often solve this problem by loading BitFax last. Also, some device drivers can also cause conflicts. Device drivers are activated with the DEVICE= command in your CONFIG.SYS file. To restore your original AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS file: 1. Go to your root directory. At the DOS prompt, type C:, press [ENTER], type CD\, and press [ENTER] again. 2. Type RENAME AUTOEXEC.SAVE AUTOEXEC.BAT and press [ENTER]. 3. Type RENAME CONFIG.SAV CONFIG.SYS and press [ENTER]. (SMC-04/07/94)