TRC-222 (210-1646) Connecting an External Antenna Faxback Doc. # 6136 You can use your walkie talkie as a mobile or base unit by connecting an external antenna with a 50-ohm impedance. This connection requires an antenna adapter (Cat. No. 278-208). Connect the antenna to the adapter. Then, plug the adapter into the walkie talkies EXT ANTENNA jack. Note: When you connect an external antenna, be sure to completely push in the telescoping antenna. Otherwise, signal interference occurs. WARNING: When installing or removing an external antenna, use extreme caution. If the antenna starts to fall, let it go! It could contact overhead power lines. If the antenna touches the power line, contact with the antenna, mast, cable or guy wires can cause electrocution and death! Call the power company to remove the antenna. Do not attempt to do so yourself. (RLR-02-23-94)