MTA-15 (120-0695) Antenna Connections Faxback Doc. # 6552 AM ANTENNA The table radio has a built-in ferrite loop stick antenna for AM reception. Changing the radio's position can enhance AM reception. Place the radio in the position that gives you the best reception. FM ANTENNA The AC power cord is the FM antenna. To connect the power cord antenna, slip the spade lug at the back of the radio under one of the screw heads and tighten the screw. If you need to improve FM reception disconnect the spade lug. Then, you can attach an FM or VHF TV antenna to the screw terminals on the back of the radio. If you have an outside VHF TV antenna you can use a simple signal splitter to connect your radio and TV set to the same antenna. The local Radio Shack store has a wide selection of antennas and connectors. (CJD/all-07/11/94)