8-Track Auto Tape Player (120-1802) Playing Tapes Faxback Doc. # 6672 1. TAPE CARTRIDGE DOOR - Insert a cartridge through the door with the label facing up. This turns the unit on. 2. TONE - Adjust the TONE control to your listening preference. 3. PROGRAM INDICATOR - A lighted number shows which of the tape's programs is being played. Push the button to manually advance the player to the next program. 4. BALANCE - Adjust the BALANCE so that both channels seem equally loud from your listening position. 5. VOLUME - Raise the VOLUME to a comfortable listening level. 6. PROGRAM SELECTOR - Push the button to manually advance the player to the next program. 7. Mounting Brackets. NOTE: Always press the EJECT button before you turn off the ignition. Otherwise the roller in the cartridge will develop a flat spot which will degrade the sound quality. (CJD/all-06/28/94)