EC-340 (650-0940) Converting Currencies Faxback Doc. # 6828 Your data directory can convert 11 different international currencies. The data directory uses the following abbreviations for currencies: CAND - CANADIAN DOLLARS ------ -------------------------------------------- DM - GERMAN MARK(DEUTCHMARK) -------------------------------------------------- E.PD - ENGLISH POUND -------------------------------------------------- FF - FRENCH FRANC -------------------------------------------------- HKD - HONG KONG DOLLAR -------------------------------------------------- LIRA - ITALIAN LIRA -------------------------------------------------- NT - NEW TAIWAN YUAN -------------------------------------------------- PESO - MEXICAN PESO -------------------------------------------------- SF - SWISS FRANC -------------------------------------------------- USD - U.S. DOLLAR -------------------------------------------------- YEN - JAPANESE YEN -------------------------------------------------- Entering and Changing Exchange Rates -------------------------------------------------- Before you can calculate a currency exchange, you must first enter the current exchange rate. You enter all exchange rates relative to the U. S. dollar. That is, the U. S. dollar always equals 1. To enter or change an exchange rate: 1. Press [CALCULATOR]. 2. Press [X]. 3. Use [REV], [FWD], [UP], and [DOWN] to move to the currency exchange rate you want to enter or change. 4. Enter the current exchange rate. For example, if the Japanese yen is currently valued at 158.63 yen to the dollar, enter 158.63 next to YEN. 5. Enter additional exchange rates, or press [X] when you finish. Converting Currency ----------------------------------------------------------- To convert an amount from one currency to other currencies: 1. Press [CALCULATOR]. 2. Press [X]. 3. Enter the amount you want to convert, then press the first letter of the currency. For example, to convert 9500 yen, type '9500 Y'. All currencies for which you have entered an exchange rate convert to the equivalent value. (/all-8/19/94)