Micronta Monitor (630-0664) Operation Faxback Doc. # 7183 Many people are able to control stress and tension by using biofeedback. With practice, you might do the same. Biofeed works better for some people than others, but it doesn't work miracles. Your using the monitor won't make your boss any less grouchy (unless he tries a Biofeedback Monitor too). But the monitor might make you better able to cope with his grouchiness. You will get the most benefit from the monitor if you set aside 10 to 20 minutes every day for its use. Find a quiet place where you are not disturbed. Relax by loosening tight clothing or removing your shoes, sit at a desk, in an armchair, or wherever there is a place to rest your arms. Be sure your hands are clean and dry before using the monitor. The room temperature should be around 21 degrees C, 70 degrees F. To operate the monitor follow these steps. 1. Wrap the sensor holders snugly around any two fingertips on the same hand. Be sure that the metallic sensor does not touch your fingernail. The sensor needs to be in firm contact with your skin. 2. Rest your hand in a position that's comfortable, for example, on the arm of a chair. 3. Turn the sensitivity control on. Adjust the control so that the tone is somewhere in the middle range between the high-pitched continuous tone and the intermittent popping sound. 4. Sit quietly with your eyes closed. Relax your muscles and breathe evenly. Listen to the tone from your monitor. At First, you might hear a high-pitched buzz-tone, indicating your body stress level is high. As you relax, the note will drop in pitch until it becomes a slow popping sound - showing that your body is relaxing. If you want to listen privately to the feedback tone, plug earphones (not supplied) into the earphone jack on the front panel. Your Radio Shack store has a variety of earphones to choose from. ADJUSTING SENSITIVITY Adjust the sensitivity control to the point where the sound from the biofeedback monitor disappears. Then readjust the control until the buzz tone returns at a low level. TESTING YOUR REACTIONS These experiments let you discover through the changes in sound how body changes are detected by the monitor. Take a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds. Most people will experience a noticeable response. If you don't, adjust the sensitivity control until you can detect a change in the tone. Make a fist. Clench it tightly for a few seconds, then release. Is stress detectable? Pinch your arm, bite your lip or otherwise create a slightly irritating stimulus. Do you notice a difference in the sound? Watch a "thriller" on TV while using the monitor. Which parts produce the greatest reaction from you? Can you control your emotions? The biofeedback monitor might not work effectively if you have exceptionally dry skin. CONTROLLING STRESS Visualizing pleasant scenes is an effective way to reduce stress. When you listen to the tone from the monitor, imagine a relaxing, stress-free situation (such as a beach on a tropical island or a country meadow.) You'll probably find this brings the tone down and helps you relax more quickly. The opposite is true when you visualize an unpleasant experience - your body's stress level increases. You can practice controlling your anxiety by visualizing an unpleasant situation and then lowering the anxiety through serene visualizations. You'll find the tone from your monitor rises more quickly than it drops. This is how your body reacts - it tenses faster than it relaxes. Trying too hard can work against you. You can put such stress on your body when trying to relax, that the tone actually rises! Don't be discouraged - learning how to relax takes patience. (br/all-7/18/94)