Micro-14 (140-1175) Operation Faxback Doc. # 7777 CAUTION: The tape stops and the recorder turns off when the tape reaches the end. However, we recommend you press STOP/EJECT as soon as possible after you finish recording or playing a tape. This protects the tape by releasing the tape from the tape-handling parts. LOADING A CASSETTE TAPE We recommend MC-60 cassette tapes (Cat. No. 44-640) for up to two hours recording/playback time, or MC-90 cassette tapes (Cat. No. 44-644) for up to three hours of recording/playback time. Follow these steps to load a cassette tape. 1. Use a pencil to turn the cassette's hub and remove any tape slack. Avoid touching the tape. 2. Press STOP/EJECT to open the cassette compartment. 3. Insert the cassette into the compartment with its open edge facing out. An arrow on the cassette compartment shows tape travel direction. Be sure the tape's full reel is opposite the arrow point. 4. Close the compartment. UNLOAD A CASSETTE TAPE To unload a cassette tape, press STOP/EJECT to stop recording or playback. Press STOP/EJECT again to eject the tape. RECORDING Use the information in the section when you record. Basic Recording Follow these steps when you record. CAUTION: To protect the recorder, press down RECORD only when a cassette tape is loaded. Also, do not force down RECORD. If you cannot easily press down RECORD, check the cassette tape's erase- protection tabs. See "Preventing Accidental Erasure" for more information 1. Load the cassette tape. See "Loading a Cassette Tape." 2. Set the TAPE SPEED switch as follows: To double the tape's recording/playback time, set the switch to 1.2. For better sound quality, set the switch to 2.4. 3. Press RECORD to begin recording. This also pushes down PLAY. 4. The REC/BATT indicator lights. 5. Press STOP/EJECT to stop recording. NOTES: To record on the other side of the tape, unload the cassette tape, turn it over and reload it. The recorder can usually pick up sounds in an average-size room. However, background noise increases as the recorder gets farther away from the sound source. Using an External Microphone For convenience or improved sound, you can use an external microphone with a 1/8-inch plug, such as Cat. No. 33-1052, 33-1060, or 33-1063. Insert the external microphone's plug into the recorder's MIC jack. Quick Record You can go directly from playback to recording by pressing RECORD. Press STOP/EJECT to stop recording. PLAYING A TAPE Follow these steps to play back a cassette tape. 1. Load the cassette tape. 2. Set the tape speed switch to the speed you used when you recorded the tape. 3. Press REWIND/REVIEW or FAST-F/CUE to rewind or fast-forward the tape to the passage you want to hear. 4. Press PLAY. 5. Adjust VOLUME to a comfortable listening level. 6. Press STOP/EJECT to stop playback. NOTE: To play the other side of the tape, unload the cassette tape, turn it over, and reload it. USING FAST-F/CUE & REWIND/REVIEW Press FAST-F/CUE to rapidly move a tape forward. Press REWIND/REVIEW to rapidly move a tape backward. If you press FAST-F/CUE or REWIND/REVIEW during playback, you can hear the tape as it fast-forwards or rewinds. When you release the button, the recorder resumes normal playback. If you press FAST-F/CUE or REWIND/REVIEW when the tape is stopped, the button locks down. The tape advances or rewinds until you press STOP/EJECT or the tape reaches the end. USING THE DIGITAL COUNTER You can use the digital counter to help you find specific locations on a tape. At the beginning of a tape, press the digital counter's reset button. Then, note the counter's reading at the beginning of each selection. To return to a selection, fast-forward or rewind the tape until the counter shows the correct reading. USING THE EARPHONE WARNING: To prevent possible ear damage and hearing loss, turn VOLUME to its lowest position before you begin listening through the earphone. After you begin listening, turn VOLUME to a comfortable listening level. For private listening, plug the supplied earphone into the recorder's EAR jack. This automatically disconnects the recorder's internal speaker. (ALL-10/3/94)