EC-4026 (650-0993) Features Faxback Doc. # 8538 Your EC-4026 Programmable Scientific Calculator is one of the most advanced calculators available today. You can use it to solve equations related to engineering, finance, physics, or nearly any other field that requires advanced math. Here are a few of your calculator's advanced features: Full-Featured Programming-lets you write programs that have loops, branches, and conditional statements. Alpha Memories-let you assign a letter name to your program variables. Integration Calculations-directly solves integral calculus formulas. Two-Line Display-gives a separate display for calculator prompts and calculation results. Engineering Symbols-make it easy to perform calculations on electronic or engineering problems using standard symbols for micro (micro), milli(m), kilo(k), and others. Base-N-mode-lets you calculate, convert, or perform logical operations in the decimal, hexadecimal (base 16), octal (base8), and binary (base2) number systems. Scientific Functions-solve trigonometric, logarithmic, exponential, polar-rectangular conversion, permutation and combination, and other advanced calculations. Statistical Functions-perform analysis using either standard deviation or regression calculations. Data-Base Capability-lets you use programs storage space top store names and telephone numbers, or any other special information. (RLR-10/28/93)