Title of Game : Stellar Conquest ]I[ Type of Game : Space combat strategy game Operating Sys : DOS Uploader Email : etoton1@gl.umbc.edu Date Uploaded : 9/20/95 Short Descrip. : VGA mouse-driven space strategy game for 1 to 4 players Long Desc : Stellar Conquest III is a space strategy game in which the players must mine star systems using cargo vessels to earn resources with which to build more cargo ships, and to build a fleet with which to destroy the enemy players' starbases. A variety of game strategies can be employed by the player. The players will even get to design their own ships, adding weapons, sensors, cargo holds, various engine types, shields, cloaks, mine-layers, etc. A large variety of game settings are also available, including team options, choosing what ships the players will begin with, etc. SC3 also has the great feature of an easy point-and-click mouse interface, with beautiful "clickie" buttons, map zooms, and high-res detailed gfx.