Crack> Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain crack written by Mike Basford of Canada Here's how to get rid of that silly code wheel. After this you don't have to tune the radio any- more. You will need Norton Utilities or Debug, Norton is easier. When using Norton Utilities, select BOB.EXE and search for 36 24 75 08 B8 01 (using the hex field) and change the 75 08 to 90 90. Write the data and you're done. If you are using Debug: REN BOB.EXE BOB.XXX DEBUG BOB.XXX R use the value of CS for the next step S CS:0000 FFFF 39 87 36 24 75 08 B8 01 00 8B E5 replace CS with the value (Debug should respond with something like this: CS:xxxx xxxx is used next) U xxxx use the value from above in place of xxxx (You should see: CS:xxxx CMP [BX+2436],AX CS:yyyy JNZ 7762) E yyyy use value from above 75.90 08.90 you type the 90s W Q REN BOB.XXX BOB.EXE Now run it and have fun.