Crack> Jack Nicklaus Golf crack written by anonymous This program is protected by a code-wheel lookup, and is hideously easy to defeat. This patch will work for the following version of the game: GOLF EXE 82503 09-19-90 9:52a The file is compressed with LZEXE v0.90, and its uncompressed size is 146164 bytes. So, to crack it, uncompress it with UNLZEXE, and change offset 3BDC: E8 56 F5 to 90 90 90. This will completely bypass the code-wheel prompt and verification. Addendum -------- To crack the course designer, UNLZEXE the file DESIGN.EXE (size 76307, date 09-19-90), and edit offset 2C47: 9A 34 -> EB 03.