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McGill Systems Inc.

MUSIC/SP Operating System

The name MUSIC/SP is short for Multi-User System for Interactive Computing / System Product.

MUSIC/SP provides software to support an enterprise-wide electronic information service. Features include:

In addition, it supports a reliable and efficient interactive program development and execution environment. Programs can be written, debugged and run using a wide choice of programming languages.

MUSIC supports TCP/IP networking tools such as Telnet, TN3270, FTP, Gopher, e-mail, web server, and POP3 server. MUSIC's web server supports the popular browsers.

MUSIC/SP runs on an IBM-compatible mainframe (S/370 or ESA/390) computer, usually as a virtual machine under VM/ESA.

For more information about usages of MUSIC see the following:

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This page last updated Nov. 27, 1999