3Com 527
@0041.ADF - 3Com EtherLink/MC 32 Ethernet Adapter 
3C527X.EXE V3.3 Etherdisk for Etherlink MC/32 
3C527N.EXE E-disk version 3.4, includes NT driver 
WFW501.EXE 3C501 or 3C527 (self extracting)

3c527 Technical Reference  

3C527 Etherlink/MC32
ADF Sections

3C527  EtherLink/MC 32

1B CSROM.EVN 5613-33 
2B CSROM.ODD 5613-34
2D 80C186-12 
5D 3Com 6399-01 
6B 25.0000 MHz Osc 
7B 2EEF7D 
8D 82586-10
11C 3Com 6400-03 
13D 3Com 6401-04 
14D 3Com 6428-01 
NE1 Neon Lamp 

WHY can't people use the standard "U" designation for ICs? 

AdapterID 0041 3Com EtherLink/MC 32 Ethernet Adapter

Enable/Disable Adapter
   Use the disabled setting if you are not using the adapter in your system
   <"Adapter Enabled">, Adapter Disabled

I/O Base Address
   The EtherLink/MC 32 occupies 16 bytes in the I/O Address space.
   < "728x" (7280-728f)>, 729x (7290-729f), 768x  (7680-768f), 769x (7690-769f), 7A8x (7a80-7a8f), 7A9x (7a90-7a9f), 7E8x (7e80-7e8f), 7E9x (7e90-7e9f)

Shared Memory Ranges
   EtherLink/MC 32 requires a 16K memory window and it may be located at any of eight possible address ranges.
     <"RANGE:D800-DBFF, 16K">, DC00-DFFF, 16K, C000-C3FF, 16K, C400-C7FF, 16K, C800-CBFF, 16K, CC00-CFFF, 16K, D000-D3FF, 16K, D400-D7FF, 16K

Interrupt Level
   Interrupts can be shared with another device, however the software drivers for both devices must support interrupt sharing.  You may be able to improve performance by selecting a level that is not used by another device.
     <"Level 10">, 11, 9, 12

Arbitration Level
   Level eight has the highest priority, and higher levels decrease priority
     <"Level 10">, 11, 12, 13, 14, 8, 9

Fairness Enable
   Fairness is provides equal access is to the host bus for competing bus masters and in most instances should be enabled.  In a system where it is desired that a higher priority device have increased bus utilization, fairness may be disabled.
     <"Enabled " >, Disabled

Address Burst Management
   Address Burst Management feature enables the Etherlink/MC 32 to relinquish control of the Micro Channel Bus at specific address boundary crossings.  As an example, if the 16-byte boundary Address Burst Management is selected, the Bus Master relinquishes bus control as the address increments from xx0Fh to xx10h. In some system configurations, the Address Burst Management feature may provide improved performance, but generally it should be disabled.
    <"Disabled">, 16-byte boundary, 32-byte boundary, 64-byte boundary

Transceiver Type
   The active connector is determined by the selection of the Transceiver Type. If you have a thin ethernet network and wish to connect using a T-connector, select On-board.  If you have the thick drop cable from an external transceiver and wish to attach to the 15-pin AUI cable, select External
    <"On-board Transceiver (BNC)>, External Transceiver (AUI)

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