LAN Adapter/A for Ethernet
"LEGENDS" card
@FFE0.ADF - IBM LAN Adapter/A for Ethernet
@FFE0.DGS  IBM LAN Adapter/A for Ethernet Diagnostics (IBM)

25H3518.bin Image for POST/BIOS 2.20 (28 pin 16kx8, M27C128-12)

192-210  IBM LAN Adapter/A for Ethernet

Linux Driver for the IBM LAN Adapter/A for Ethernet 
EMTLAN.ZIP  IBM LAN Adapter/A  Option Disk v2.2 (9-15-95) (Thanks to Dan Hamilton)
EMTLAN.rar IBM LAN Adapter/A  Option Disk v2.2 (9-15-95) in .rar
ETHER32a.ZIP IBM LAN Adapter/A  Option Disk v1.0 (2-25-93)
laninst.pdf  Installation and Testing instructions for the LAN Adapter /A. (IBM PCBBS)

LAN Adapter/A for Ethernet-Installation and Testing
Technical Reference Ethernet Adapter Interface
Alfred Arnolds LAN Adapter Shootout results.   LAN /A is pretty good...
DP83934 Datasheet
DP8329CN Datasheet

LAN Adapter/A(Old)
LAN Adapter/A (New)
LAN/A Block Diagram
AAUI Drop Cable (P/N 59G9004)
Running without BIOS/RPL Chip
25H3518 BIOS/RPL Error Messages
Soft Error 265
Causes of a 265 Error (Found it!)
ADF Sections

LAN Adapter/A (Old) FRU 48G7172 (same as newer card!)

D2 - Link LED solderpads
D3 - Receive (RXD) LED solderpads
D4 - Transmit (TXD) LED solderpads
P2 - Apple Attachment Unit Interface (AAUI)
P3 - Thinnet Coaxial
P4 - RJ45 Category 5 Cable Connector
RN1-5 Bourns Resistor Networks
U6-9 - IDT 7164 (?)
U10 - Natl Semi DP83934AVQB "SONIC-T"
U15 - National Semiconductor 60G1582
U22 - 59G2495
U23 - 59G2496
U28 - 59G2499
U37, 38 - Bel S553-1006-AE
U40 - Halo 5V to 9V
U50 - Pulse Electronics PE-65424
U51 - Pulse Electronics PE-65428 
X1 - Adapter BIOS/RPL 60G3315
Y2 - Kyocera 20.0000MHz

D2-4  I read the SONIC-T datasheet and traced the leads to find out the diode functions. It was easy since the traces are straightforward - they stay on the top layer of the board and go right to the matching pins on the IC.

P2 - Apple Attachment Unit Interface (AAUI) Connector (no, it's not a "dorky mini-AUI" or "IBM bizarro C14") You can see some AAUI "breakouts" here. A pinout is available here. Since this adapter already has RJ45 and coaxial connectors, my guess is that the AAUI connector is provided for attachment to "thicknet" coaxial networks. You could also use it to bypass a failed component on the adapter.

Thoughts & Experiences
   This adapter is an excellent (if a bit large) Microchannel network adapter. Performance has been reported to be quite good without the tendency to consume excessive amounts of CPU power. It also works under quite a few different operating systems, including my choice of Windows NT 3.1. I have noticed that it doesn't seem to "get along well" with a VIA Rhine II 10/100 network card as included on an Asus motherboard. If I had to guess, I'd blame the VIA Rhine II for being "naughty".

   I found this card (and continue to use it) in a 9585-0X6. This card and the host computer were both filthy and kept somewhere very damp.As a testament to IBM's ability to build quality hardware, the card has (sometimes heavy) rust in places but it continues to work excellently.

   If there was one major "strike" against this adapter, it would be the "requirement" to have a network cable connected to it at startup. The LAN/A performs a self test and checks for the presence of a network cable. If it doesn't find one, then it will complain and may even cause the elusive "265" POST error to surface on some machines and circumstances.

Rick Ekblaw suggested that sticking a wrap plug into it will keep it from complaining.

(WRW. You'd probably have to build one. I saw nobody selling Ethernet wrap plugs other than the IBM AUI wrap plug, which I already have.)

   Images and text in this section are from from William R. Walsh, unless stated otherwise. Original page is HERE

LAN Adapter /A (new) 48G7172 (also FRU 10H4633)
J1 RJ45
J2 Apple AUI
U1,2,7,8 Cypress CYC185-35VC
U3 NS DP83934AVQB Sonic-T
U9 Boot ROM
U13 NS SCX6B64AOK Gate Array
U19 NS DP8392CN
Y2 40.0000 MHz osc 

LAN/A Block Diagram

Mini AUI to AUI Cable P/N 59G9004

Sorry, William, that's what IBM calls it. Not AAUI....

Running without BIOS/RPL Chip  LAN Technical Reference SC30-3661-00
If BIOS or RPL function is not desired, the boot ROM may be physically removed. BUT... Boot ROM removal will prevent adapter from performing either the Boot or RPL function.

25H3518 BIOS/RPL Error Messages

PR001 - POST/RPL ROM integrity error. ROM incorrectly inserted in socket or defective.
Verify ROM is correctly inserted in socket U9 / X1. Verify ROM is not damaged (no pins are bent or missing).

PR002 - I/O configuration error. Adapter mis-configured. Possible I/O address conflict.
Check adapter configuration and workstation configuration. If adapter and workstation configurations are correct and problems persist, have adapter serviced.

PR003 - Memory configuration error. Adapter mis-configured. Possible memory conflict.
Verify adapter configuration and workstation configuration are correct. If adapter and workstation configurations are correct and problems persist, have adapter serviced.

PR004 - ID PROM integrity error. The Ethernet Controller's ID PROM is defective.
Have adapter serviced.

PR005 - Buffer memory integrity error. On-card RAM is defective.
Have adapter serviced.

PR006 - Register integrity error. Ethernet adapter is defective.
Have adapter serviced.

PR007 - Watchdog timer error. Ethernet adapter is defective.
Have adapter serviced.

PR008 - No interrupt received. Adapter mis-configured or system interrupt signal is defective. Possible interrupt conflict.
Verify adapter configuration and workstation configuration are correct. Run system diagnostics. If adapter and workstation configurations are correct and system diagnostics run without error and problems persist, have adapter serviced.

PR009 - CAM integrity error. Ethernet adapter is defective.
Have the adapter serviced.

PR010 - Cable connection error.
Cable not connected, wrong connect, or wrong cable type.
Check all cable connections, verify cable type is correct, verify cable is working correctly.

PR011 - Transmission loopback error. Defective cable or Defective adapter.
Verify cable is working correctly. If cable is working correctly and problems persist, have  adapter serviced.

PR012- Insufficient memory for RPL. Not enough RAM available on workstation.
Reallocate workstation RAM or add workstation RAM.

PR013 - Adapters not responding or failures detected. Unknown.
Verify installation is correct. If it is is correct and problems persist, have adapter serviced.

256 - Exists in an un-commented line in POST/RPL image, most likely due to LAN/A not being connected to LAN

NOTE: When you are asked to review the adapter and workstation configuration, that is to compare the adapter's system programs settings versus that of the Operating System.

Snippet from 25H3518

> Notice the lonely "265" entry, but no associated text....
> IBM LAN Adapter/A for Ethernet  POST/RPL v2.20
> (C) IBM, NSC, 1994.  All rights reserved.
>   Testing adapter in slot  ...   OK
>   *** PR001 POST/RPL ROM integrity error. ***
>   *** PR002 I/O configuration error. ***
>   *** PR003 Memory configuration error. ***
>   *** PR004 ID ROM integrity error. ***
>   *** PR005 Buffer memory integrity error. ***
>   *** PR006 Register integrity error. ***
>   *** PR007 Watchdog Timer error. ***
>   *** PR008 No interrupt received. ***
>   *** PR009 CAM integrity error. ***
>   *** PR010 Cable connection error. ***
>   *** PR011 Transmission loopback error. ***
>   *** PR012 Insufficient memory for RPL. ***
>   *** PR013 Adapter not responding. ***
>   265
> 0 00 POST Driver Init Table could not be found Press F1 to continue...
> v2.20 (941103)
>   RPL: Mini-AUI
>   RPL: 10BASE2
>   RPL: 10BASE-T

Soft Error 265
Rick Ekblaw rears up from the mists at IBM and utters:

   The PS/2 error code 265 (or 00026500) has been a bit of "myth" to me -- I'd heard of people getting it, but had never seen one myself until yesterday.

   I was working on reviving a PC Server 500 with the P/390 card set (a worthy endeavor, I assure you).  This PC Server 500 has a 2-channel SCSI Fast/Wide RAID adapter (Passplay), a P/390 processor card with daughter card (additional S/390 RAM), a "Huron" S/370 Channel Adapter, an SVGA Adapter/A, an Etherstreamer MC32, and a LAN/A for Ethernet. The nine 4.3GB DASD are configured as an 8-disk array with 1 hot spare, and the array has two logical drives - the OS/2 boot drive is about 1GB in size, the rest is the data drive for the emulated 3390-3 DASD volumes.

   The LAN/A was configured for twisted pair (RJ45 connector), but I didn't have it plugged into the network, and the LAN/A POST was throwing up a PR011 error on the screen (Transmission loopback failure).  No other error codes were being posted, and the information panel was not showing an error code, either.  But just when you expected the machine to boot, it prompted for the Reference Diskette. OK, put in the Reference Diskette, press F1, and it said that the system posted error 265, run Diagnostics to isolate the error.

   Thinking that the 265 was some sort of "soft" error related to the PR011, I plugged the LAN/A into a hub so that the LAN/A POST ran clean.  Sure enough, the machine would now boot into OS/2 Warp 3 without complaint, and I could IPL OS/390 (*that* took a while, the 390 processor on the P/390 card is functional but not very fast). So, the 265 error code is "real", but it's a rare beast.

Causes of a 265 Error
While getting in the way of solving a LAN/A oddity (card identifies itself as @FFE6, not @FFE0), the operator figured out the ADF file name -AND- the internal adapter ID needed to be changed.
AdapterId 0FFE0h

Edit top line to
AdapterId 0FFE6h

I then czeched the DGS, looking for a similar AdapterID issue. I foundt the 265 issue...

@FFE0.DGS IBM LAN Adapter/A for Ethernet Diagnostics (IBM)

IBM Lan Adapter/A for Ethernet
Error Code = 0265

Have your system unit and IBM Lan Adapter/A for Ethernet serviced

Possible causes for the error:
- The adapter is configured for [BLANK] but no [BLANK] cable is connected.
- The adapter is not connected to a valid network.
- The cable or adapter is defective.

[BLANK] can be COAX, AUI, or UTP

Oh, BTW, "0I@FFE0.DGS (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1993, 1994." exists in the DGS, it is unknown if the system programs actually czechs the internal AdapterID. It may be necessary to edit "0I@FFE0.DGS" to "0I@FFE6.DGS" for the confused LAN/A that thinks it is a FFE6.

AdapterId FFE0 IBM LAN Adapter/A for Ethernet 

Adapter Base I/O Address
     <"I/O address 1000" (1000-109f)>, 2000 (2000-209f), 3000 (3000-309f), 4000 (4000-409f), 5000 (5000-509f), 6000 (6000-609f), 7000 (7000-709f)

Adapter Interrupt Request Level
       <"Interrupt 5">, 15, 10, 11

Network Media Connection
   To configure this adapter, you must set the Network Media type that is connected to the adapter (Ed. Duh-huh! Just waiting to try it...)
       < "Twisted Pair">, Thin Ethernet, Thick Ethernet (AAUI)

Adapter BIOS-ROM / RAM Location
   This adapter requires a memory location to be allocated for it's BIOS-ROM and Shared RAM.  There are 5 locations that can be selected with 2 RAM sizes for some addresses.  If possible, a 32K memory size address should be selected for best throughput.
   <"C8000-CFFFF" (C800-CFFF)>, D000-D7FF, D800-DFFF, C400-C7FF, C8000-CBFFF, D0000-D3FFF, D4000-D7FFF, D8000-DBFFF

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