Electrical Interface Board Developer's Guide

Portmaster Adapter/A
Multiport Adapter Model II

Electrical Interface Board Information


Hardware Developers

Second Edition (August 1996)

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Table of Contents

  • Special Notices
  • About This Book

  • Purpose
  • Audience
  • Organization
  • Related Publications
  • Reference Publications
  • Conventions
  • Chapter 1. System Overview

  • Description of Co-Processor Adapter and Interface Board
  • Microprocessor Control
  • Dynamic Memory (DRAM)
  • Programmable Direct Memory Access (DMA) and Interrupts
  • Interface Board DUSCCs
  • Parallel I/O Ports
  • I/O Space Allocation
  • General-Purpose Register
  • Serial Communications Supported On Co-Processor Adapter
  • Line Speeds
  • Communications and Clocking
  • Co-Processor Adapter Performance Calculations
  • Performance Calculation for Multiport Adapter, Model II
  • Performance Calculation for Portmaster Adapter/A
  • Chapter 2. Interface Board Architecture

  • Memory Maps
  • Dual Universal Serial Communications Controllers (DUSCC0 & 1)
  • Functions
  • Physical Characteristics
  • Programming Considerations
  • Clocking
  • Addressing and Usage
  • Registers
  • Communication Line Support
  • End-of-Interrupt Command Ports (DMAEOI)
  • Diagnostics
  • Counter/Timer and Parallel I/O Units (CIO0 & 1)
  • Functions
  • Microcode
  • Physical Characteristics
  • Port Assignments and Descriptions
  • Clocking and Timing
  • Programming Considerations
  • Connectors, Cables, and Wrap Plugs
  • Chapter 3. Functional Interface

  • Connector Diagram
  • Functional Pin Assignments
  • Microprocessor (80C186) Interface
  • 80C186 Signal Set
  • I/O Accessing
  • Enables Register
  • DMAPIC Interface
  • DMA to Interface Board
  • Timing Diagram for DMA Write Operation
  • Timing Diagram for DMA Read Operation
  • Co-Processor Adapter Interrupts
  • Timing Diagram for Co-Processor Adapter Interrupts
  • Timing Diagram for DUSCC2 and DUSCC3 I/O Regions
  • Timing Diagram for I/O Chip Select Signals
  • Timing Diagram for ROS and RDID86 Chip Select Signals
  • Timing Diagram for Interface Board Sync Ready (DBSRDY)
  • PROM Implementation and Other Uses
  • Header/Port Information
  • I/O Address Map of Interface Board ROS
  • IB ROS Creation
  • Read Cable_ID Executable Routine
  • Overlays
  • Chapter 4. Power Availability and Electrical Considerations

  • Total Current Limitations
  • Signal Loading and Routing
  • Signal Nets
  • I/O Signal Routing
  • Decoupling
  • IB Interface Signal States
  • Frame Ground Isolation
  • Chapter 5. Thermal Considerations

    Chapter 6. Mechanical Hardware

  • Raw Card Dimensions and Specifications
  • Notes for Dimension Diagram and Assembly Diagram
  • Chapter 7. Diagnostic Support Strategy

    Special Notices

    References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates.

    Any reference to an IBM licensed program or other IBM product in this publication is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's program or other product may be used.

    The following terms, DENOTED BY AN ASTERISK (*), used in this publication, are trademarks or service marks of IBM Corporation in the United States and/or other countries:

    IBM      Personal System/2     Portmaster
    OS/2     Operating System/2    Micro Channel

    The following terms, DENOTED BY A DOUBLE ASTERISK (**), used in this publication, are trademarks of other companies as follows:

    Intel           Intel Corporation
    Signetics       Signetics Corporation
    Zilog           Zilog Corporation

    About This Book


    This publication contains hardware development information and techniques that may be applied to the design of an Interface Board that attaches to either the IBM* Realtime Co-Processor Portmaster* Adapter/A or the IBM Realtime Co-Processor Multiport Adapter, Model II.

    Note: Throughout this publication, the general term co-processor adapter is used to designate either feature card named above. Unless otherwise stated, the information contained herein applies to both co-processor adapter cards.

    The objectives of this publication are to provide the following for the Interface Board:


    The information in this publication is intended for hardware designers, engineers, and individuals with a knowledge of electronics and/or programming who wish to design an Interface Board that attaches to the co-processor adapter.

    It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the co-processor adapter, the applications in use, and programming. Therefore, terminology is not explained herein, except for terms that may be specially implemented.


    The information contained in this publication is organized as follows:

    Related Publications

    Reference Publications

    One or more of the following publications might be needed for reference when using this publication.


    Chapter 1. System Overview

    Description of Co-Processor Adapter and Interface Board

    Interface Boards can be built to attach to either the IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor Portmaster Adapter/A or to the IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor Multiport Adapter, Model II. The Portmaster Adapter/A allows Micro Channel* connectivity and Bus Master capability; whereas, the Multiport Adapter, Model II allows connectivity to the PC/AT bus. The mechanical design of both co-processor adapter cards is such that one Interface Board (IB) can install on either co-processor adapter card. The mounting differences are few; only a bracket and minor hardware mounting changes are required. The distance between the Interface Board and the co-processor adapter card varies, depending upon which co-processor adapter card is used. Refer to Chapter 6. "Mechanical Hardware" for specific values.

    With the exception of processor speeds, system clocks, and overall DMA performance, the interface is the same for both co-processor adapter cards. The Portmaster Adapter/A operates at a clock frequency of 12.5 MHz, and the Multiport Adapter, Model II operates at a clock frequency of 10 MHz.

    Microprocessor Control

    A co-processor adapter card has an 80C186 microprocessor for central processing of data on the card. A partial 80C186 system bus is provided at the IB interface. See Figure 1. This partial system bus includes 16 bits of address, 8 bits of data, and various control lines.

    Dynamic Memory (DRAM)

    A co-processor adapter card can support various sizes of dynamic random access memory (DRAM). Up to 2M bytes of DRAM are supported on the Portmaster Adapter/A card, and 1M byte is supported on the Multiport Adapter, Model II card. This DRAM area can be accessed by the 80C186; it also can be accessed through the IB interface using the DMA Peripheral Interface Chip (DMAPIC). For the Portmaster Adapter/A card, the DRAM can be accessed from the Micro Channel via the RAM Controller and Bus Master Interface Chip (RCBMIC). For the Multiport Adapter, Model II card, the DRAM can be accessed from the PC bus using the Shared Storage Interface Chip (SSIC).

    Programmable Direct Memory Access (DMA) and Interrupts

    The DMAPIC has 16 independent DMA channels that are fully programmable. Eight of these DMA channels are hard-wire dedicated to the two Signetics Dual Serial Controller Chips (DUSCCs), SCC0 and SCC1, located on the co-processor adapter card. These two DUSCCs provide four serial ports of data and modem control signals. The data and modem control signals are available at the IB interface, and can be conditioned with drivers and receivers to provide connectivity to various electrical communication interfaces. See Figure 2. The remaining eight DMA channels are available to service various IB devices, such as two additional DUSCCs.

    The DMAPIC has six sets of interrupt/interrupt acknowledge lines, four of which are used on the co-processor adapter card; the remaining two lines are available at the IB interface.

    Interface Board DUSCCs

    Chip select lines have been provided specifically for additional DUSCCs. These lines are available at the IB interface, and may possibly be used to select devices other than DUSCCs on an IB, if carefully used.

    Parallel I/O Ports

    Two Zilog Counter/Timer Parallel I/O Units (CIO chips, CIO0 and CIO1) reside on the co-processor adapter card. The CIOs each have two parallel 8-bit I/O ports that are wired directly to the IB interface. The bits of these ports are bidirectional and individually programmable. In addition to the four 8-bit ports, CIO1 provides a 4-bit port which is accessible at the IB interface. The CIOs also have various timers that can be accessed via the ports.

    I/O Space Allocation

    Various other chip select lines are provided for I/O space that has been allocated for use on an IB.

    General-Purpose Register

    A general-purpose register (Enables Register) is provided on the co-processor adapter card. The outputs of this register are wired to the IB interface and function as general-purpose control lines.


    All Interface Boards must be assigned a single-byte ID by the Boca Raton MSP Co-Processor Hardware Development Group. Contact your IBM Marketing Representative to obtain an Interface Board ID assignment. It is recommended that all IBs implement IB ROS as described in this document, and that the ID be written to an architected address within this ROS. In certain instances, where an IB ROS is not implemented, the hardware must provide the facility to read the ID from I/O address 86h.

    If the ID is implemented in IB ROS, it will be located in the Header section, and can be accessed by an I/O read to address E000h. This implementation also requires that a read to I/O address 86h result in a value of FFh. A chip select that decodes 86h has been provided; see "Timing Diagram for ROS and RDID86 Chip Select Signals".

    The IB ROS provides 4KB of address space, which is accessible in I/O space from E000h to EFFFh. Structures, which are used to provide information about the communication ports, have been architected in the IB ROS. The data contained in these structures is then incorporated into the Port Configuration Descriptor (PCD), for use by the Realtime Control Microcode and Extended Services. The ROS also contains a mechanism for executable routines; see "Read Cable_ID Executable Routine".

    A detailed discussion of PROM implementation is provided see section Prom Implementation and Other Uses.

    Figure 1. Block Diagram of Co-Processor Adapter

    +--------+                    +-+       +----------+                           +-----+
    |        |                    | |       |Gate Array+-------Address------------>|  D  |
    |        |<---Data----------->| |<----->|          |                           |  R  |
    | Micro  |                    |D|       |   RAM    |<------Data--------------->|  A  |
    |Channel |                    |r|       |Controller|                           |  M  |
    |   or   |                    |i|       |     &    |-------RAM Control-------->|     |
    | PC Bus |<---Address-------->|v|<----->|Bus Master|                           +-----+
    |        |                    |e|       | Interface|
    |        |                    |r|       | (RCBMIC) |
    |        |                    | |       |          |
    |        |<---Control-------->| |<----->| (Note 2) |
    |        |                    | |       +--+---+---+
    |        |                    +-+          ^   ^
    +--------+                                 |   |
    +-+                                        V   |                                          +---------+
    |8|<-Control----+--------------------------+---|----------------------------------------->|         |
    |0|             |                              |                                          |         |
    |C|             |                              V                                          |         |
    |1|<-AD0-AD15,--|--+---------------------------+-----------------------------AD8-AD15 --->|         |
    |8|  A16-A19    |  |        +-+                       +----------------------BAD0-BAD7--->|         |
    |6|             |  |        |D|                       |                  1                |    I    |
    | |             |  |        |r|                       |              0+---+  Data & Modem |    B    |
    |C+------+      |  |<------>|i|         BAD0-BAD7     |             +-+-+ |    Control    |         |
    |P|<-+  H|      |  |        |v|<----------------+-----+---+-------->| D | |<------------->|    I    |
    |U| H|  O|      |  |        |e|                 ^         |   +---->| U | |               |    n    |
    +-+ O|  L|      |  |        |r|                 |         |   |  +->| S | |               |    t    |
        L|  D|      |  |        +-+                 V         |   |  |  | C | |               |    e    |
        D|  A|      |  |<---------------+         +-+--+      |   |  |  | C +-+               |    r    |