Realtime Interface Co-Processor

Firmware Technical Reference

Volume 1 - System Interfaces and Functions

Volume 2 - Functions

Volume 3 - Data Structures

Second Edition (July 1990)


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Table of Contents

  • Special Notices
  • Purpose
  • Audience
  • Organization
  • Related Publications
  • Reference Publications
  • Conventions
  • Ordering Additional Copies

  • Part 1. Volume II - Functions

  • Chapter 5. Supervisor Calls (SVCs)
  • General Invocation
  • List of SVCs
  • General Error Handling
  • Descriptions of SVCs
  • STOP
  • WAIT
  • POST
  • ASAP
  • Chapter 6. Service Interrupts (SVIs)
  • General Invocation
  • List of SVIs
  • General Error Handling
  • Descriptions of SVIs
  • Chapter 7. PROM Services
  • General Invocation
  • List of PROM Services
  • General Error Handling
  • Descriptions of PROM Services
  • DAC
  • Chapter 8. Hardware Initialization

  • Chapter 9. Diagnostic Test Modules
  • General Invocation
  • List of Diagnostic Test Modules
  • General Error Handling
  • Descriptions of Diagnostic Test Modules

  • Special Notices

    References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates.

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    Zilog is a trademark of Zilog Inc.

    Lotus is a trademark of Lotus Development Corporation.

    Microsoft is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

    About This Book

    This book contains software technical reference information concerning the IBM Realtime Interface Co-processor Adapter, Multiport Adapter, Multiport/2 Adapter, Portmaster Adapter/A, and the Multiport Adapter, Model 2.


    Technical reference information for the IBM X.25 Interface Co-Processor/2 adapter is in the IBM X.25 Interface Co-Processor/2 Technical Reference.

    Throughout the book, the term "co-processor adapter" refers to the above adapter types.


    This manual:


    This book contains introductory and reference information for software designers, programmers, and anyone with a knowledge of programming who needs to understand the use and operation of the co-processor adapter.

    You should be familiar with the system unit, your application, and programming. Only the terms that apply specifically to the co-processor adapter are explained.


    The IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor Firmware Technical Reference is organized into three volumes.

    Volume I contains the following:

    Volume II contains the following:

    Volume III contains the following:

    Related Publications

    Related books in the Realtime Interface Co-Processor library are as follows:

    IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor Guide to Operations

    Provides instructions for installing the Realtime Interface Co-Processor features. It also describes problem-determination procedures.

    IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor Adapter Hardware Maintenance and Service

    Used to isolate and repair any failure of a field-replaceable unit (FRU). It provides step-by-step instructions for problem isolation to aid in identifying a FRU. Removal and replacement procedures are presented to complete repair.

    IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor Multiport Adapter Guide to Operations

    Provides instructions for installing the Realtime Interface Co-Processor Multiport Adapter features. It also describes problem-determination procedures.

    IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor Multiport Adapter Hardware Maintenance and Service

    Used to isolate and repair any failure of a field-replaceable unit (FRU). It provides step-by-step instructions for problem isolation to aid in identifying a FRU. Removal and replacement procedures are presented to complete repair.

    IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor Multiport/2 Adapter Guide to Operations

    Provides instructions for installing the Realtime Interface Co-Processor Multiport/2 Adapter features. It also describes problem-determination procedures.

    IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor Multiport/2 Adapter Hardware Maintenance and Service

    Used to isolate and repair any failure of a field-replaceable unit (FRU). It provides step-by-step instructions for problem isolation to aid in identifying a FRU. Removal and replacement procedures are presented to complete repair.

    IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor Multiport Adapter, Model 2 Guide to Operations

    Provides instructions for installing the Realtime Interface Co-Processor Multiport Adapter, Model 2 features. It also describes problem-determination procedures.

    IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor Portmaster Adapter/A Guide to Operations

    Provides instructions for installing the hardware necessary to use the Realtime Interface Co-Processor Portmaster Adapter/A and describes problem-determination procedures.

    Realtime Interface Co-Processor Portmaster Adapter/A, Multiport Adapter, Model 2 Hardware Maintenance Library

    Used to isolate and repair any failure of a field-replaceable unit (FRU) for the Portmaster Adapter/A or the Multiport Adapter, Model 2. It provides step-by-step instructions for problem isolation to aid in identifying a FRU. Removal and replacement procedures are presented to complete repair.

    IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor DOS Support

    Provides information necessary to interface the co-processor adapter through the system unit DOS. It describes all functions, capabilities, and installation of the Realtime Interface Co-Processor DOS Support software.

    IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor OS/2 Support

    Provides information necessary to interface the co-processor adapter through the system unit Operating System/2* (OS/2*). It describes all functions, capabilities, and installation of the Realtime Interface Co-Processor OS/2 Support software.

    Realtime Interface Co-Processor C Language Support User's Guide

    Describes the C Language Support product-&dasha productivity aid that allows programmers to develop code for the co-processor adapter and the system unit in the C Programming Language. This guide explains the C-interface routines and the method of compiling and linking C-tasks for the co-processor adapter and your system unit.

    IBM Realtime Interface Co-Processor Extended Services, Version 1.01

    Describes the Extended Services product-&dasha productivity aid that provides the system developer with a variety of services to ease the writing of systems applications for the Realtime Interface Co-Processor family of adapters. It includes numerous task, event, resource, and communications services that allow the system developer to concentrate on the application instead of the system.

    Reference Publications

    You may need to use one or more of the following publications for reference with this manual:


    Part 1. Volume II - Functions

    Volume II contains the following:

    Chapter 5. Supervisor Calls (SVCs)

    Supervisor Calls (SVCs) are requested through the Realtime Control Microcode to perform functions for application tasks executing on the co-processor adapter. SVCs may be called from a task's mainline code and from software interrupt handlers.

    For specific details relating to a particular SVC, refer to the list on the following pages and the SVCs by name within this chapter.

    General Invocation

    An SVC is invoked via a call to interrupt vector INT 56h with the requested SVC number in register AH. Register AH and other registers are used to pass parameters to the SVC handler, which invokes the appropriate module to perform the requested function. All user registers (except register AL on error detection) are preserved unless specified by the particular SVC.

    List of SVCs

    | List of Supervisor Calls                         |
    | Int | AH   | Name    | Function                  |
    | No. | Reg  |         |                           |
    | 56h | 37h  | INTPC   | Interrupts the            |
    |     |      |         | system unit               |
    | 56h | 38h  | UNLOAD  | Unloads specified task    |
    | 56h | 39h  | BUILD   | Simulates a task          |
    |     |      |         | load from the             |
    |     |      |         | system unit               |
    | 56h | 3Ah  | START   | Starts the specified task |
    | 56h | 3Bh  | STOP    | Stops the specified task  |
    | 56h | 3Ch  | WAIT    | Places requesting task    |
    |     |      |         | into an idle or           |
    |     |      |         | "wait" state              |
    | 56h | 3Dh  | SUSPEND | Suspends task             |
    | 56h | 3Eh  | RESUME  | Cancels the suspended     |
    |     |      |         | status of a task          |
    | 56h | 3Fh  | POST    | Places the task on the    |
    |     |      |         | dispatch queue            |
    | 56h | 40h  | ASAP    | Causes a dispatch         |
    |     |      |         | cycle to occur            |
    | 56h | 41h  | STAYRES | Terminates requesting     |
    |     |      |         | task; task remains        |
    |     |      |         | resident                  |
    | 56h | 42h  | READVEC | Reads an interrupt vector |
    | 56h | 43h  | TIMERP  | Starts a periodic         |
    |     |      |         | software timer            |
    | 56h | 44h  | TIMER   | Starts a software timer   |
    | 56h | 45h  | CANCEL  | Cancels the specified     |
    |     |      |         | software timer            |
    | 56h | 46h  | ALLOC   | Allocates one of a        |
    |     |      |         | co-processor adapter's    |
    |     |      |         | resources such as         |
    |     |      |         | an interrupt vector,      |
    |     |      |         | storage block, DMA        |
    |     |      |         | channel, communication    |
    |     |      |         | port, queue, or hard-     |
    |     |      |         | ware or software timer    |
    | 56h | 47h  | RETURN  | Deallocates a co-processor|
    |     |      |         | adapter resource          |
    | 56h | 48h  | INITCOMP| Tells the Realtime        |
    |     |      |         | Control Microcode that    |
    |     |      |         | initialization of the     |
    |     |      |         | task is complete          |
    | 56h | 49h  | QFREEST | Queries the largest       |
    |     |      |         | available free            |
    |     |      |         | storage size              |

    General Error Handling

    The Realtime Control Microcode sets the carry flag on and sets register AL to an error code when an error is detected in a supervisor call. The Realtime Control Microcode returns to the requesting task when the first error condition is found. Other error conditions may exist; therefore, the call parameters should be checked before the SVC is executed again. The SVC error codes set by the Realtime Control Microcode are as follows.

    | List of SVC Error Codes                          |
    |  AL  | Meaning                                   |
    | Code |                                           |
    | 01h  | Non-valid SVC/SVI number                  |
    | 02h  | Unused                                    |
    | 03h  | Unused                                    |
    | 04h  | Interface board not present               |
    | 05h  | Access denied                             |
    | 06h  | Port interface mismatch                   |
    | 07h  | Communications chip mismatch              |
    | 08h  | Insufficient storage                      |
    | 09h  | Interrupt busy                            |
    | 0Ah  | No response from system unit              |
    | 0Bh  | Interrupt rejected                        |
    | 0Ch  | Requested action was already performed    |
    | 0Dh  | No resource available                     |
    | 0Eh  | Unknown EMM handle                        |
    | 0Fh  | EMM logical page number out of range      |
    | 10h  | Page Frame page number out of range       |
    | 11h  | Physical address mapped, but unallocated  |
    | 12h  | Address out of range                      |
    | 13h  | Non-valid data                            |
    | 14h  | Non-valid task number                     |
    | 15h  | Non-valid timer number                    |
    | 16h  | Non-valid queue number                    |
    | 17h  | Name not found                            |
    | 18h  | Non-valid port number/duplicate name      |
    | 19h  | Device number not available/clocking      |
    |      | option selected in hardware               |
    | 1Ah  | Insufficient expanded memory pages        |
    | 1Bh  | Stack overflow/underflow                  |
    | 1Ch  | Requested hook access not available       |
    | 1Dh  | Task suspended by Realtime Control        |
    |      | Microcode - cannot be resumed             |
    | 1Eh  | Unused                                    |
    | 1Fh  | Unused                                    |

    Descriptions of SVCs

    A description of each supervisor call is provided in the remainder of this chapter.


    Interrupts the system unit.

    INVOCATION: INT 56h, AH = 37h



    This SVC generates an interrupt to the system unit from the requesting task. There are five options with this SVC. The entry parameter (AL register) to select these options is bit-sensitive; therefore, tasks can combine options into one call.

    Entry Parameters

    INT 56h
    AH = 37h
    AL = xxxA BCDE
    where:  A = 1, Request system restart of the system unit
            B = 1, infinite retry on interrupt presentation
                   and response
            B = 0, CX = maximum interrupt retry count
                   (must be greater than 0)
            C = 1, "output buffer busy" is reset to 0
            D = 1, "busy" is reset to 0
            E = 1, task is "waited" after interrupt
            x = not used

    Exit Parameters

    Carry flag = 0 if no error;
                 1 if error
            AL = Unchanged if no error;
                 error code if error


     AL Code  Meaning                   Causes
     01h      Non-valid SVC number     -SVC number out of range
     05h      Access denied            -SVC cannot be called
                                        from an I/O interrupt
                                        handler or command interrupt
     09h      Interrupt busy           -The retry count (number
                                        of attempts) has expired
                                        and the interrupt cannot
                                        be presented to the
                                        system unit.  Due to prior
                                        interrupt pending.
     0Ah      No response from         -No system unit response
              system unit               to the interrupt was
                                        received, and the retry
                                        count has expired
     13h      Non-valid data           -Retry count specified
                                        is not valid (CX = 0)

    Example Call

    MOV     AH,37h         ;interrupt system unit
                           ; SVC
    MOV     AL,0Fh         ;
    ;* With 0Fh in AL, the following options are turned on:    *
    ;* Option 2: Infinite retry on interrupt presentation      *
    ;*           and response.                                 *
    ;* Option 3: Output buffer busy is reset to 0.             *
    ;* Option 4: Busy bit is reset to 0 in the primary status  *
    ;*           bit of the IB after the interrupt is raised.  *
    ;* Option 5: Task is waited after SVC. If posted flag is   *
    ;*           not 0, wait does not occur.                   *
    INT     56h            ;interrupt Realtime Control Microcode
    JC      ERROR_HAN      ;if error AL = error code
    ;Get here after next post


    Unloads specified task.

    INVOCATION: INT 56h, AH = 38h



    The SVC unloads the specified task from the co-processor adapter storage. If the task is not already stopped, it is stopped as described in the Stop SVC. The task's resident storage is returned to the free memory pool, and the "loaded" bit in the task's primary status byte in the interface block is reset to 0. If any errors are detected, the service is not performed.

    Entry Parameters

    INT 56h
    AH = 38h
    AL = Task number to be unloaded

    Exit Parameters

    Carry flag = 0 if no error;
                 1 if error
            AL = Unchanged if no error;
                 error code if error


     AL Code     Meaning                   Causes
    01h      Non-valid SVC number     -SVC number out of range
    05h      Access denied            -SVC cannot be called from
                                       an I/O interrupt handler
                                       or command interrupt
                                      -Task is permanent
    14h      Non-valid task number    -Specified task is not
                                       loaded or is out of range

    Example Call

    MOV     AH,38h         ;unload task SVC
    MOV     AL,01h         ;unload task number 1
    INT     56h            ;interrupt Realtime
                             Control Microcode
    JC      ERROR_HAN      ;if error, AL = error code


    Simulates a task load from the system unit.

    INVOCATION: INT 56h, AH = 39h



    This SVC is the mechanism that a co-processor adapter task uses to create another task on the co-processor adapter.

    The task that issues this SVC becomes the parent task. When a task builds another task, the building task is considered to be a parent task and the task that is built is the child task. A child task may not build a task. A task can build another task without the parent/child relationship if the built task is in storage that was acquired by the building task. In this case, the BX register must point to the offset address in the building task header, which is the storage resource block for the acquired storage in which the task to be built resides; otherwise, BX must be 0.


    The size in the built task's header must be the same size of the storage block in which the task is to be built. If this size is incorrect and the built task is subsequently unloaded, the incorrect amount of storage is returned to the free storage pool. The Realtime Control Microcode cannot detect this error because the built task does not have to reside in storage at Build time, only at Start time. This restriction applies only if no parent/child relationship exists (BX not equal to 0). Tasks cannot be built in expanded memory.

    Entry Parameters

    INT 56h
    AH = 39h
    AL = Task number to build
    ES = Segment of the built task's task header
    BX = 0 indicates task that is built is a child task
    BX = Address of the storage resource block in the parent
         task that describes the storage in which the built
         task resides.  This storage resource block (the
         control block used to allocate the storage) is removed
         from the building task's resource block chain and
         becomes the resident storage of the built task.  The
         pointer to the storage resource block is used to
         acquire the storage in which the peer task resides.
         The built task is not a child task of the building
         task in this case.
    DX = Offset of the built task's task header

    Exit Parameters

    Carry flag = 0 if no error;
                 1 if error
            AL = Unchanged if no error;
                 error code if error


     AL Code  Meaning                   Causes
     01h      Non-valid SVC number     -SVC number out of range
     05h      Access denied            -SVC cannot be called
                                        from an I/O interrupt
                                        handler or command
                                        interrupt handler
                                       -Child task attempted to
                                        build a task
     13h      Non-valid data           -BX register is not 0,
                                        and does not point to a
                                        valid storage resource
                                       -DX is not on a paragraph
     14h      Non-valid task number    -Task is out of range
                                       -Task is already loaded

    Example Call

    MOV     AH,39h         ;build task SVC
    MOV     AL,02h         ;build task number 2
    MOV     BX,CS          ;COM file implementation
    MOV     ES,BX          ;ES = CS
    XOR     BX,BX          ;BX = 0, build as child task
    MOV     DX,OFFSET TSK2 ;header of task 2
    INT     56h            ;interrupt Realtime Control Microcode
    JC      ERROR_HAN      ;if error, AL = error code


    Starts the specified task.

    INVOCATION: INT 56h, AH = 3Ah



    This SVC starts the specified task. A task is started by building a Task Control Block (TCB) from the task header. The task must have been previously loaded from the system unit or built by the Build SVC. The Start command causes the task to be entered at its initial entry point.

    If the task is already started, no operation is performed.

    When the task is entered the first time, the task's registers are set up as follows:

     Register    Contents
     --------    --------
     AX          Undetermined
     BX          Undetermined
     CX          Undetermined
     DX          Undetermined
     DI          Undetermined
     SI          Undetermined
     BP          Undetermined
     SP          Stack Pointer value from task header
                 logically ANDed with FFFFEh
     CS          Initial segment from task header
     DS          Data segment value from the task header
     ES          Segment of the task header
     SS          Stack segment value from the task header
     IP          Initial offset value from the task header
     Flags       Carry           = 0
                 Parity          = 0
                 Auxiliary carry = 0
                 Zero            = 0
                 Sign            = 0
                 Trap            = 0
                 Interrupt       = 1 (enabled)
                 Direction       = 0
                 Overflow        = 0

    Entry Parameters

    INT 56h
    AH = 3Ah
    AL = Task number to start

    Exit Parameters

    Carry flag = 0 if no error;
                 1 if error
            AL = Unchanged if no error;
                 error code if error


     AL Code  Meaning                   Causes
     01h      Non-valid SVC number     -SVC number out of range
     05h      Access denied            -SVC cannot be called
                                        from an I/O interrupt
                                        handler or command
                                        interrupt handler
     0Ch      Requested action         -Task is already started
              already performed
     13h      Non-valid data (from     -Task size is less than
              task header)              28 bytes or greater
                                        than 1Mb
                                       -Task priority is greater
                                        than MAXPRI or equal to
                                       -Task number in header
                                        does not match the
                                        requested task number
                                       -Resource Block pointer
                                        is not 0
                                       -Byte 5 of the task
                                        header is not 0
                                       -Task Debug flag in the
                                        task header is non-zero
                                        This flag is reserved for
                                        future use but must be
                                        reset to 0
     14h      Non-valid task           -Task has not been loaded
              number                   -Task is out of range

    Example Call

    MOV     AH,3Ah         ;start task SVC
    MOV     AL,01h         ;start task number 1
    INT     56h            ;interrupt Realtime Control Microcode
    JC      ERROR_HAN      ;if error, AL = error code


    Stops the specified task.

    INVOCATION: INT 56h, AH = 3Bh



    This SVC stops the specified task. All resources except the storage in which the task resides are returned to the Realtime Control Microcode. If the task is already stopped, the SVC performs no operation. A stopped task may be restarted by the Start SVC or Start command from the system unit. The effect of Stop puts a task into the loaded state and removes its TCB from the Realtime Control Microcode storage area. All child tasks of the specified task are unloaded.

    Entry Parameters

    INT 56h
    AH = 3Bh
    AL = Task number to stop

    Exit Parameters

    Carry flag = 0 if no error;
                 1 if error
            AL = Unchanged if no error;
                 error code if error


     AL Code  Meaning                   Causes
     01h      Non-valid SVC number     -SVC number out of range
     05h      Access denied            -SVC cannot be called
                                        from an I/O interrupt
                                        handler or command
                                        interrupt handler
                                       -Task is permanent
     0Ch      Requested action         -Task is already stopped
              already performed
     14h      Non-valid task number    -Task is out of range
                                       -Task is not loaded

    Example Call

    MOV     AH,3Bh         ;stop task SVC
    MOV     AL,01h         ;stop task number 1
    INT     56h            ;interrupt Realtime Control Microcode
    JC      ERROR_HAN      ;if error, AL = error code


    Puts a task in an idle or wait state.

    INVOCATION: INT 56h, AH = 3Ch



    This SVC puts a task in an idle or wait state. It may be made active by a post SVC or POSTI service interrupt from an interrupt handler or another task. While idle, it may only service interrupts.

    If the task's posted flag (in its TCB) is set, the Wait call will return immediately. The task's posted flag must be clear for the Wait SVC to put the task in an idle state.

    Entry Parameters

    INT 56h
    AH = 3Ch

    Exit Parameters

    Carry flag = 0 if no error;
                 1 if error
            AL = Unchanged if no error;
                 error code if error


     AL Code  Meaning                   Causes
     01h      Non-valid SVC number     -SVC number out of range
     05h      Access denied            -SVC cannot be called
                                        from an I/O interrupt
                                        handler or command
                                        interrupt handler

    Example Call

    MOV     AH,3Ch         ;wait task SVC
    INT     56h            ;interrupt Realtime Control Microcode
    ;Get here when posted
    JC      ERROR_HAN      ;if error, AL = error code


    Suspends the specified task.

    INVOCATION: INT 56h, AH = 3Dh



    The SVC suspends the specified task and the suspended flag in the task's s state byte in the task's TCB is set to 1. If the suspended task is on the dispatch queue, it is removed from the dispatch queue. After a task is suspended, it may be posted. However, this post does not take effect until that task is resumed. To take a task out of the suspended state, it must be resumed.

    If the task is already suspended, no operation is performed.

    Entry Parameters

    INT 56h
    AH = 3Dh
    AL = Task number to be suspended

    Exit Parameters

    Carry flag = 0 if no error;
                 1 if error
            AL = Unchanged if no error;
                 error code if error


     AL Code  Meaning                   Causes
     01h      Non-valid SVC number     -SVC number out of range
     05h      Access denied            -SVC cannot be called
                                        from an I/O interrupt
                                        handler or command
                                        interrupt handler
     0Ch      Requested action         -Task is already suspended
              already performed
     14h      Non-valid task number    -Task is out of range
                                       -Task is not started

    Example Call

    MOV     AH,3Dh         ;suspend task SVC
    MOV     AL,01h         ;suspend task number 1
    INT     56h            ;interrupt Realtime Control Microcode
    JC      ERROR_HAN      ;if error, AL = error code


    Cancels the suspended state of a task.

    INVOCATION: INT 56h, AH = 3Eh



    This SVC cancels the suspended state of a task. If the task was posted when it was suspended or has been posted since it was suspended, the Resume puts the specified task on the dispatch queue. If the task is not suspended, no operation is performed. This SVC does not resume tasks suspended by the Realtime Control Microcode because error conditions exist.

    Entry Parameters

    INT 56h
    AH = 3Eh
    AL = Task number to resume

    Exit Parameters

    Carry flag = 0 if no error;
                 1 if error
            AL = Unchanged if no error;
                 error code if error


     AL Code  Meaning                   Causes
     01h      Non-valid SVC number     -SVC number out of range
     05h      Access denied            -SVC cannot be called
                                        from an I/O interrupt
                                        handler or command
                                        interrupt handler
     0Ch      Requested action         -Task is not suspended
              already performed
     14h      Non-valid task number    -Task is out of range
                                       -Task is not started
     1Dh      Task cannot be           -Task was suspended by the
              resumed                   Realtime Control Microcode

    Example Call

    MOV     AH,3Eh         ;resume task SVC
    MOV     AL,01h         ;resume task number 1
    INT     56h            ;interrupt Realtime Control Microcode
    JC      ERROR_HAN      ;if error, AL = error code


    Places the task on the dispatch queue.

    INVOCATION: INT 56h, AH = 3Fh



    This SVC puts the task on the dispatch queue (if it is not suspended). If the task is already posted, only the post code and posted flag in the TCB is changed. If the task is suspended, the post code (PSTCD) is set to the requested value, the posted flag (POSTED) is set to 1, and the queued bit in the state byte (STB) is set, but the task is not put on the dispatch queue until the task is resumed. The posted flag must be reset to 0 by the task for the task to be able to "wait" itself.

    Entry Parameters

    INT 56h
    AH = 3Fh
    AL = Task number to post
    DX = Post code
    The following parameters are optional.  This is a recommended
    format only.
    DH = Task number posting
    DL = pppp ABCD
    where:  A = Posted by the I/O Interrupt Handler
                DL = pppp 1000 where p = user-defined post code
            B = Posted by timer expiration
                DL = pppp p100 where p = user-defined post code
            C = Posted by command subroutine
                DL = pppp pp10 where p = user-defined post code
            D = General post
                DL = pppp ppp1 where p = user-defined post code

    Exit Parameters

    Carry flag = 0 if no error;
                 1 if error
            AL = Unchanged if no error;
                 error code if error


     AL Code  Meaning                   Causes
     01h      Non-valid SVC number     -SVC number out of range
     05h      Access denied            -SVC cannot be called
                                        from an I/O interrupt
                                        handler or command
                                        interrupt handler
     14h      Non-valid task number    -Target task is not started
                                       -Task is out of range

    Example Call

    MOV     AH,3Fh         ;post task SVC
    MOV     AL,01h         ;post task number 1
    MOV     DX,0AAAh       ;post code, optional and
                           ; specific to implementation
    INT     56h            ;interrupt Realtime Control Microcode
    JC      ERROR_HAN      ;if error, AL = error code


    Causes a dispatch cycle to occur.

    INVOCATION: INT 56h, AH = 40h



    This is an SVC in which no operation is performed. It is used to share execution time with other tasks. A task should use this SVC to force a dispatch cycle to occur and allow other tasks to execute. In the event a task does not return control to the Realtime Control Microcode, the Realtime Control Microcode executes a time-slice after 10 milliseconds to force a dispatch cycle to occur.

    Entry Parameters

    INT 56h
    AH = 40h

    Exit Parameters

    Carry flag = 0 if no error;
                 1 if error
            AL = Unchanged if no error;
                 error code if error


     AL Code  Meaning                   Causes
     01h      Non-valid SVC number     -SVC number out of range
     05h      Access denied            -SVC cannot be called
                                        from an I/O interrupt
                                        handler or command
                                        interrupt handler

    Example Call

    MOV     AH,40h         ;asap SVC
    INT     56h            ;interrupt Realtime Control Microcode
    JC      ERROR_HAN      ;if error, AL = error code


    Terminates the task, but the task remains resident.

    INVOCATION: INT 56h, AH = 41h



    This SVC causes the calling task to be terminated but to remain in storage.

    After successful completion of this SVC, this task may not be started, stopped, posted, suspended, resumed, waited, or unloaded. The task has no TCB. A parent or child task may not be terminated with this SVC. The requesting task must not own any user interrupt vectors. This call may be used for installing interrupt handlers. One example would be a time-of-day routine.

    Entry Parameters

    INT 56h
    AH = 41h

    Exit Parameters

    Carry flag = 0 if no error;
                 1 if error
            AL = Unchanged if no error;
                 error code if error


     AL Code  Meaning                Causes
     01h      Non-valid SVC number  -SVC number out of range
     05h      Access denied         -SVC cannot be called
                                     from an I/O interrupt
                                     handler or command
                                     interrupt handler
                                    -Attempt made to terminate
                                     a parent or child task
                                    -The requesting task owns a
                                     user-interrupt vector

    Example Call

    MOV     AH,41h         ;stay resident SVC
    INT     56h            ;interrupt Realtime Control Microcode
    JC      ERROR_HAN      ;if error, AL = error code


    Reads an interrupt vector.

    INVOCATION: INT 56h, AH = 42h



    This SVC returns the current doubleword value of an interrupt vector.

    Entry Parameters

    INT 56h
    AH = 42h
    AL = Interrupt vector number to read

    Exit Parameters

    Carry flag = 0 if no error;
                 1 if error
            AL = Unchanged if no error;
                 error code if error
            ES = Segment value of the vector
            DX = Offset value of the vector


     AL Code  Meaning                   Causes
     01h      Non-valid SVC number     -SVC number out of range
     05h      Access denied            -SVC cannot be called from
                                        an I/O interrupt handler
                                        or command interrupt handler

    Example Call

    MOV     AH,42h         ;read vector SVC
    MOV     AL,0C0h        ;read interrupt vector C0h,
                           ; pointer to EBCDIC-to-ASCII
                           ; table
    INT     56h            ;interrupt Realtime Control Microcode
    JC      ERROR_HAN      ;if error, AL = error code
    ;If here:
       ; ES = Segment value of the vector
       ; DX = Offset value of the vector


    Starts a periodic software timer.

    INVOCATION: INT 56h, AH = 43h



    This SVC starts a software timer that automatically restarts itself when it times out. This timer calls the user's timer vector on each time-out. When the timer expires, the supplied vector is called via a FAR CALL. Your task executes a RET FAR at the end of the subroutine. This timer can be cancelled in the same manner as a nonperiodic timer, by using the CANCEL SVC or the CANCELI SVI.

    Entry Parameters

    INT 56h
    AH = 43h
    AL = Software timer number
    CX = Time period in milliseconds (0001h-FFFFh) in multiples
         of 5 milliseconds
         Example:  1 = 5 milliseconds
                   2 = 10 milliseconds
    ES = Segment of subroutine to call
    DX = Offset of subroutine to call

    Exit Parameters

    Carry flag = 0 if no error;
                 1 if error
            AL = Unchanged if no error;
                 error code if error


     AL Code  Meaning                   Causes
     01h      Non-valid SVC number     -SVC number out of range
     05h      Access denied            -SVC cannot be called
                                        from an I/O interrupt
                                        handler or command interrupt
                                       -Timer does not belong to
                                        this task.
     13h      Non-valid data           -Timer period is 0
     15h      Non-valid timer number   -Timer number is out of range
                                       -Timer is already running

    Example Call

    MOV   AH,43h                  ;start periodic software
                                  ; timer SVC
    MOV   AL,01h                  ;software timer 1
    MOV   CX,0005h                ;time out in 25 milliseconds
    MOV   BX,CS                   ;COM file implementation
    MOV   ES,BX                   ;ES = CS
    MOV   DX,OFFSET TIMER_HANDLER ;offset of subroutine,
                                  ; specific to implementation
    INT   56h                     ;interrupt Realtime Control Microcode
    JC    ERROR_HAN               ;if error, AL = error code


    Starts a software timer.

    INVOCATION: INT 56h, AH = 44h



    This SVC starts a software timer. The parameters are timer number, duration, and a 32-bit vector that receives control when the timer expires. When the timer expires, the supplied vector is called via a CALL FAR. Your task must execute a RET FAR at the end of this section of code. The timer can be cancelled with the CANCEL SVC or the CANCELI SVI.

    The duration of one count of the timer is 5 milliseconds.

    Entry Parameters

    INT 56h
    AH = 44h
    AL = Software timer number
    CX = Duration (0001h to FFFFh)
    ES = Segment of subroutine to call
    DX = Offset of subroutine to call

    Exit Parameters

    Carry flag = 0 if no error;
                 1 if error
            AL = Unchanged if no error;
                 error code if error


     AL Code  Meaning                   Causes
     01h      Non-valid SVC number     -SVC number out of range
     05h      Access denied            -SVC cannot be called
                                        from an I/O interrupt
                                        handler or command
                                        interrupt handler
                                       -Timer does not belong to
                                        this task
     13h      Non-valid data           -Timer period is 0
     15h      Non-valid timer number   -Timer is out of range
                                       -Timer is already running

    Example Call

    MOV   AH,44h                  ;start software timer
                                  ; SVC
    MOV   AL,01h                  ;software timer 1
    MOV   CX,0001h                ;time out in 5 milliseconds
    MOV   BX,CS                   ;COM file implementation
    MOV   ES,BX                   ;ES = CS
    MOV   DX,OFFSET TIMER_HANDLER ;offset of subroutine,
                                  ; specific to implementation
    INT   56h                     ;interrupt Realtime Control Microcode
    JC    ERROR_HAN               ;if error, AL = error code


    Cancels the specified software timer.

    INVOCATION: INT 56h, AH = 45h



    This SVC cancels the specified software timer. If the timer is not running, no operation is performed. This SVC cancels both periodic and nonperiodic software timers.

    Entry Parameters

    INT 56h
    AH = 45h
    AL = Software timer number

    Exit Parameters

    Carry flag = 0 if no error;
                 1 if error
            AL = Unchanged if no error;
                 error code if error


     AL Code  Meaning                   Causes
     01h      Non-valid SVC number     -SVC number out of range
     05h      Access denied            -SVC cannot be called
                                        from an I/O interrupt
                                        handler or command
                                        interrupt handler
     15h      Non-valid timer          -Timer is out of range

    Example Call

    MOV     AH,45h         ;cancel software timer
                           ; SVC
    MOV     AL,01h         ;cancel software timer 1
    INT     56h            ;interrupt Realtime Control Microcode
    JC      ERROR_HAN      ;if error, AL = error code


    Allocates one of a co-processor adapter's resources.

    INVOCATION: INT 56h, AH = 46h



    This SVC allocates one of a co-processor adapter's resources-&dashsuch as an interrupt vector, storage block, communication port, user queue, or hardware or software timer. A pointer to the resource block is passed as a parameter. The resource block is used to specify which resource is requested. Only one resource may be requested at a time. For further details, see

    Entry Parameters

    INT 56h
    AH = 46h
    ES = Segment of resource block
    DX = Offset of resource block


    The resource block for a given resource type is defined in detail under Refer to , and .

    Exit Parameters

    Carry flag = 0 if no error;
                 1 if error
            AL = Unchanged if no error;
                 error code if error


     AL Code  Meaning                Causes
     01h      Non-valid SVC number  -SVC number out of range
     04h      Interface board       -Co-processor has no interface
              not present            board or the interface board
                                     has non-conformance on-board
     05h      Access denied         -SVC cannot be called
                                     from an I/O interrupt
                                     handler or command
                                     interrupt handler
                                    -Resource cannot be
                                    -Attempt is made to allocate
                                     interrupt vector that is used
                                     by the Realtime Control Microcode
                                     or by the hardware
     06h      Port interface        -Port interface type requested
              mismatch               is not the same as the port
                                     interface type present on the
                                     interface board
     07h      Communications        -Communications chip type
              chip mismatch          present is not the same as
                                     the Communications chip
                                     type present on the interface
     08h      Insufficient          -Insufficient storage for
              storage                a storage allocation
     13h      Non-valid data        -Requesting task number is
                                     not the task in execution
                                    -The resource block segment
                                     is not the requesting
                                     task's task header segment
                                    -Byte 7 of the resource
                                     block is non-zero
                                    -Block descriptor is out
                                     of range
                                    -Non-valid communication port
     15h      Non-valid timer       -The requested timer number
              number                 is greater than MAXTIME
                                     (maximum number of timers)
     16h      Non-valid queue       -The requested queue number
              number                 is greater than MAXQUEUE
                                     (maximum number of queues)
     1A       Insufficient          -Insufficient expanded memory
              expanded memory        pages for the allocation request
     1C       Requested access      -The service requested is not
              not available          supported or is disabled

    Example Call

    MOV    AH,46h                     ;allocate resource SVC
    MOV    BX,CS                      ;COM file implementation
    MOV    ES,BX                      ;ES = CS
    MOV    DX,OFFSET RS-232-C_PORT_1  ;offset of resource block,
                                      ; specific to implementation
    INT    56h                        ;interrupt Realtime Control Microcode
    JC     ERROR_HAN                  ;if error, AL = error code


    Deallocates a specified resource.

    INVOCATION: INT 56h, AH = 47h



    This SVC is used to return one resource at a time-&dashsuch as an interrupt vector, storage block, communication port, user queue, or timer to the Realtime Control Microcode's control.

    Entry Parameters

    INT 56h
    AH = 47h
    ES = Segment of resource block that describes resource
         to be returned.
    DX = Offset of resource block that describes resource
         to be returned.


    The resource block for a given resource type is defined in detail under , and .

    Exit Parameters

    Carry flag = 0 if no error;
                 1 if error
            AL = Unchanged if no error;
                 error code if error


     AL Code  Meaning                   Causes
     01h      Non-valid SVC number     -SVC number out of range
     05h      Access denied            -SVC cannot be called
                                        from an I/O interrupt
                                        handler or command
                                        interrupt handler
     0Eh      Unknown EMM              -Expanded memory handle is
              handle                    not allocated
     13h      Non-valid data           -Resource does not belong
                                        to this task
                                       -Requesting task number is
                                        not the task in execution
                                       -Resource block segment is
                                        not the requesting task's
                                        task header segment
                                       -Block descriptor is out
                                        of range
                                       -The return size is greater
                                        than the block size.  This
                                        message is generated when
                                        a task is returning a
                                        partial storage block
                                       -Non-valid communications port
     15h      Non-valid timer          -The requested timer number
              number                    is greater than MAXTIME
                                        (maximum number of timers)
     16h      Non-valid queue          -The requested queue number
              number                    is greater than MAXQUEUE
                                        (maximum number of queues)

    Example Call

    MOV    AH,47h                      ;return resource SVC
    MOV    BX,CS                       ;COM file implementation
    MOV    ES,BX                       ;ES = CS
    MOV    DX,OFFSET RS-232-C_PORT_1   ;offset of resource block,
    MOV    DX,OFFSET RS-232-C_PORT_1   ;offset of resource block,
                                       ; specific to implementation
    INT    56h                         ;interrupt Realtime Control Microcode
    JC     ERROR_HAN                   ;if error, AL = error code


    Tells the Realtime Control Microcode that initialization of the task is complete.

    INVOCATION: INT 56h, AH = 48h



    This SVC tells the Realtime Control Microcode that a task has finished its initialization. The initialized state bit is set to 1 in the task's primary status byte in the interface block. This is usually done at the end of the code that was entered by the Start command or Start SVC.

    The task may be marked as permanent via this SVC. A permanent status says that this task cannot be stopped or unloaded. If a child task is marked as permanent, the parent task is also assigned a permanent status.

    If the task is already initialized, no operation is performed.

    Entry Parameters

    INT 56h
    AH = 48h
    AL = 0 indicates task can be unloaded;
         non-zero indicates task is to be
         marked as permanent

    Exit Parameters

    Carry flag = 0 if no error;
                 1 if error
            AL = Unchanged if no error;
                 error code if error


     AL Code  Meaning                   Causes
     01h      Non-valid SVC number     -SVC number out of range
     05h      Access denied            -SVC cannot be called
                                        from an I/O interrupt
                                        handler or command
                                        interrupt handler
     0Ch      Requested action         -The Initialize bit in
              already performed         the task's primary status
                                        Byte in the interface block
                                        is already set to 1

    Example Call

    MOV     AH,48h         ;init. complete SVC
    MOV     AL,00h         ;task can be unloaded
    INT     56h            ;interrupt Realtime Control Microcode
    JC      ERROR_HAN      ;if error, AL = error code


    Gets the largest available free storage size.

    INVOCATION: INT 56h, AH = 49h



    This SVC returns the pointer to the largest free storage block along with the size of that block and the total amount of free storage.

    This service only reports on the storage in base memory, not expanded memory.

    Entry Parameters

    INT 56h
    AH = 49h

    Exit Parameters

    Carry flag = 0 if no error;
                 1 if error
            AL = Unchanged if no error;
                 error code if error
            BX = Segment of largest available storage block
            CX = Number of paragraphs in the largest storage block
            DX = Total number of free storage paragraphs


     AL Code  Meaning                   Causes
     01h      Non-valid SVC number     -SVC number out of range
     05h      Access denied            -SVC cannot be called
                                        from an I/O interrupt
                                        handler or command
                                        interrupt handler

    Example Call

    MOV     AH,49h         ;query free storage SVC
    INT     56h            ;interrupt Realtime Control Microcode
    JC      ERROR_HAN      ;if error, AL = error code
    ;If here:
       ; BX = Segment of largest available storage block
       ; CX = Number of paragraphs in the largest storage block
       ; DX = Total number of free storage paragraphs

    Chapter 6. Service Interrupts (SVIs)

    Service interrupts (SVIs) can be accessed through the Realtime Control Microcode to perform various task services and are available to application tasks executing on the co-processor adapter. In general, these routines are designed to be used by I/O interrupt handlers because I/O handlers are prevented from using Supervisor Calls (SVCs) to perform these functions. The service interrupts perform many of the same functions as the SVC modules, but do not cause a dispatch cycle to occur.

    For specific details relating to a particular SVI, refer to the list on the following pages and the SVIs by name within this chapter.

    General Invocation

    The service interrupts are accessed via even-numbered interrupts 60h through 74h.

    List of SVIs

    The following tables list each service interrupt along with differences between support provided in Realtime Control Microcode Version 1 and Realtime Control Microcode Version 2.

    | List of Service Interrupts                                             |
    | Int  | AH    |                |                                        |
    | No.  | Value | Name           |        Function                        |
    | 60h  | ---   | SEG2PAG        | Translates a segment and offset        |
    |      |       |                | into page and offset                   |
    |      |       |                |                                        |
    | 62h  | ---   | PAG2SEG        | Translates page and offset into        |
    |      |       |                | segment and offset                     |
    |      |       |                |                                        |
    | 64h  | ---   | POSTI          | Places a task on the dispatch queue    |
    |      |       |                |                                        |
    | 66h  | ---   | RESUMEI        | Cancels the suspended state of a task  |
    |      |       |                |                                        |
    | 68h  | ---   | CANCELI        | Cancels the specified software timer   |
    |      |       |                |                                        |
    | 6Ah  | ---   | RECQUEUE       |  Gets the pointer to the first         |
    |      |       |                |  element in a user queue               |
    |      |       |                |                                        |
    | 6Ch  | ---   | ADDQUEUE       |  Adds an element to a user queue       |
    |      |       |                |                                        |
    | 72h  | 0Ch   | PHYSICAL       |  Operation is identical to the ADDQUEUE|
    |      |       | ADDQUEUE       |  SVI except that it takes the 32-bit   |
    |      |       |                |  physical address of an element rather |
    |      |       |                |  than an 80186 logical address.        |
    |      |       |                |                                        |
    | 6Eh  | ---   | REMQUEUE       |  Removes the first element from a      |
    |      |       |                |  user queue                            |
    |      |       |                |                                        |
    | 70h  | ---   | TRANSEG        |  Translates a segment address into     |
    |      |       |                |  an offset from a supplied segment     |
    |      |       |                |  address                               |
    |      |       |                |                                        |
    | 72h  | 00h   | DISABLE        |  Disables task preemption              |
    |      |       | PREEMPT        |                                        |
    |      |       |                |                                        |
    | 72h  | 01h   | ENABLE         |  Enables task preemption               |
    |      |       | PREEMPT        |                                        |
    |      |       |                |                                        |
    | 72h  | 02h   | GET TASK IN    |  Returns the task number of the        |
    |      |       | EXECUTION      |  current task in execution             |
    |      |       |                |                                        |
    | 72h  | 0Dh   | GET/SET        |  Used to get/set the system time       |
    |      |       | SYSTEM TIME    |                                        |
    |      |       |                |                                        |
    | 72h  | 03h   | PEER REQUEST   |  Used to send a peer request to        |
    |      |       |                |  another task                          |
    |      |       |                |                                        |
    | 72h  | 10h   | GET CALLABLE   |  Return the addresses of selected      |
    |      |       | ADDRESSES      |  Realtime Control Microcode routines   |
    |      |       |                |                                        |
    | 72h  | 0Eh   | GET INTERRUPT  | Returns the current depth of hardware  |
    |      |       | COUNT          | interrupts                             |
    |      |       |                |                                        |
    | 72h  | 0Fh   | GET RESOURCE   | Return a pointer to a structure        |
    |      |       | COUNT          | containing a list of hardware and      |
    |      |       |                | software resources                     |
    |      |       |                |                                        |
    | 72h  | 11h   | GET NEXT       | Accepts as input a hardware or         |
    |      |       | AVAILABLE      | software resource type                 |
    |      |       | RESOURCE       |                                        |
    |      |       |                |                                       |
    | 72h  | 04h   | GET PAGE       | Used to get the logical segment       |
    |      |       | FRAME SEGMENT  | address and number of pages in the    |
    |      |       | ADDRESS        | expanded memory page frame            |
    |      |       |                |                                       |
    | 72h  | 05h   | GET            | Returns the number of unallocated     |
    |      |       | UNALLOCATED    | pages and the total number of         |
    |      |       | PAGE COUNT     | expanded memory pages                 |
    |      |       |                |                                       |
    | 72h  | 06h   | MAP/UNMAP EMM  | Maps or unmaps logical expanded       |
    |      |       | HANDLE PAGES   | memory pages to a page frame page     |
    |      |       |                |                                       |
    | 72h  | 07h   | MAP/UNMAP      | Maps or unmaps physical expanded      |
    |      |       | PHYSICAL       | memory pages to a page frame page     |
    |      |       | MEMORY         |                                       |
    |      |       |                |                                       |
    | 72h  | 08h   | EMM HANDLE TO  | Used to convert an EMM handle, logical|
    |      |       | PHYSICAL       | page number, and offset to a 32-bit   |
    |      |       | ADDRESS        | physical address                      |
    |      |       |                |                                       |
    | 72h  | 09h   | EMM HANDLE TO  | Used to convert a EMM handle,         |
    |      |       | PAGE OFFSET    | logical page number, and offset to a  |
    |      |       | ADDRESS        | 32-bit page offset address            |
    |      |       |                |                                       |
    | 72h  | 0Ah   | PUSH PAGE MAP  | Saves the contents of the page        |
    |      |       |                | mapping registers for the entire page |
    |      |       |                | frame on the stack                    |
    |      |       |                |                                       |
    | 72h  | 0Bh   | POP PAGE       | Used to restore the expanded memory   |
    |      |       | MAP            | page frame mapping previously saved   |
    |      |       |                | by a PUSH PAGE MAP call               |
    |      |       |                |                                       |
    | 74h  |       | LCLS           | Logical control line services:        |
    |      | 00h   |                |  HALF RATE SELECT CONTROL             |
    |      | 01h   |                |  TRANSMIT CONTROL                     |
    |      | 02h   |                |  RTS/DTR CONTROL                      |
    |      | 03h   |                |  QUERY EXTERNAL/STATUS INPUTS         |
    |      | 04h   |                |  EXTERNAL/STATUS INTERRUPT CONTROL    |
    |      | 05h   |                |  CLEAR EXTERNAL/STATUS INTERRUPT      |
    |      | 06h   |                |  READ/WRITE CIO BITS                  |
    |      | 07h   |                |  CLOCKING OPTION CONTROL              |
    | Support Differences for Service Interrupts                     |
    | Name          | Modified for  | Supported Only  | Supported    |
    |               | Realtime      | in Realtime     | Only on      |
    |               | Control       | Control         | Portmaster   |
    |               | Microcode 2.x | Microcode 2.x   | Adapter/A    |