PERIOD, The Model 100 Periodic Table Program - Index

[Copyright 2000,2002 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
Mirroring of any material on this site in any form is expressly prohibited.
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What is PERIOD?

PERIOD, also known as PERIOD.BAS or PERIOD.BA is BASIC program that can search and display information from the Table of Periodic Properties of the Elements, also known simply as the Periodic Table.

PERIOD also holds the distinction of being the very first application written specifically for the TRS-80 Model 100, the original laptop (or notebook) computer.

General summary of PERIOD and its history (HTML)

Documentation for PERIOD (HTML)

PERIOD.DO downloadable source code, Model 100 BASIC (ASCII)
(Instructions on how to download this program can be found in the documentation.)

PERIOD annotated source code, Model 100 BASIC (HTML)
The source code is divided into sections and the functions are discussed.

PERIOD.DO downloadable source code, Model 100 BASIC, packed (ASCII)
The only difference between this version and the one listed above is that all unnecessary spaces have been removed from between BASIC tokens. The Model 100 BASIC allows this type of packing (other versions do not), and it reduces the program size by about 4K. It functions exactly the same as the more readable version.

PERIOD.BA downloadable source code, Model 100 BASIC, packed (CSAVE TOKENIZED AUDIO)
This .WAV format audio file can be used to trick a Model 100 into thinking it is restoring PERIOD.BA from a backup tape. Using this technique may be easier than downloading the source code via the serial port. The version provided is the packed version (all unneeded spaces between BASIC tokens have been removed). The .WAV file is distributed in ZIP format and may be uncompressed by several utilities, including the freely available GUNZIP.
(563K download size, 11KHz, 8bit mono)

PERIOD.DO downloadable source code, Model 100 BASIC, packed (CSAVE ASCII AUDIO)
This .WAV format audio file can be used to trick a Model 100 into thinking it is restoring PERIOD.DO from a backup tape. Using this technique may be easier than downloading the source code via the serial port. The version provided is the packed version (all unneeded spaces between BASIC tokens have been removed). The BASIC is not tokenized and can be loaded into the text editor or into BASIC. The .WAV file is distributed in ZIP format and may be uncompressed by several utilities, including the freely available GUNZIP.
(1.29M download size, 11KHz, 8bit mono)

PERIOD.BAS source code, ported to PS-DOS/MS-DOS BASIC (ASCII)
For those that do not have access to a real Model 100 or a simulation, PERIOD has been ported to the BASIC interpreter distributed in IBM PC-DOS and MS-DOS versions 3.x and earlier. The operation and displays are virtually identical to the original Model 100 version.

[Copyright 2000,2002 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
Mirroring of any material on this site in any form is expressly prohibited.
The official web site for this material is:
Contact this address for use clearances: clearance at
Comments and queries to this address: web_software_2011 at]

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