The LS-DOS 6.3.1 Source Code Restoration Project
The Utilities

[Copyright 1999,2002,2004 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
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The LS-DOS 6.3.1 source tree is available on LS-DOS 6 format or MS-DOS format floppy diskettes, including all tools and TRSDOS 6/LS-DOS 6 utilities needed to assemble the entire operating system. This can be obtained from M. A. D. Software

Utility Overview

This page lists all the modules that comprise the LS-DOS utilities, filters and accessory programs. Depending on their use, the file name extension could be /CMD (utilities), /FLT (filters), /DVR (drivers), /DCT (driver or an utility to modify the settings of a built-in driver), /OVn (application overlay), and /HLP (help data files).

Many of the utilities were originally written for LDOS, and have been modified for TRSDOS/LS-DOS or can be conditionally assembled for either operating system. No attempt has been made to verify the functionality of the Model III mode assemblies.

Below, you will find the index for the source code files, assembly listings and finished executable for each utility.


The backup utility is used to make copies of disks or of selected groups of files on disks. Backup can be used with diskettes and hard disk drives.

Backup1 contains initialization and code shared in all operations.
Backup2 contains the code to perform mirror-image backups.
Backup3 contains the code to perform selective backups (backup by class).
Backup42 is used only when compiling the Model II/12/16 version of LS-DOS.

BACKUP Part 1 source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BACKUP1/ASM)
BACKUP Part 2 source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BACKUP2/ASM)
BACKUP Part 3 source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BACKUP3/ASM)
BACKUP Part 4 (used in Model II assembly only) source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BACKUP42/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
COPYCOM source code, copyright strings, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=COPYCOM/ASM)
CLIENT source code, client configuration options, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CLIENT/ASM)

BACKUP source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BACKUP/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
BACKUP source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

BACKUP, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=BACKUP/CMD)


As part of the LS-DOS 6.3.x releases, a modified version of the Model 4 BASIC from the TRSDOS 6.2 release was included. This version added some additional commands and also required one additional code overlay, BASIC/OV2. The various files needed to construct the 6.3.1 version of BASIC are listed here.
The source code for these modifications to BASIC were not published in "The Source" for TRSDOS 6.2.0.

NEWB source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=NEWB/ASM)

NEWB source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=NEWB/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
NEWB source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

NEWB reference file, assembler output, Z80 Assembler (BINARY, NAME=NEWB/REF)
NEWB load module file, Z80 Assembler (BINARY, NAME=NEWB/LMF)

The equate file generated by NEWB is then used to assemble LBMOVE/ASM, which will become the BASIC/OV2 executable. The /LMF file generated when assembling NEWB/ASM is used in a subsequent step.

LBMOVE source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=NEWB/ASM)
NEWB equate file, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=NEWB/EQU)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)

BASIC OV2 source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BASICOV2/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
BASIC OV2 source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

BASIC OV2 executable, overlay loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=BASIC/OV2)

In the next step of generating the new version of BASIC, a stock copy of the BASIC/CMD from TRSDOS 6.2 is patched with the code assembled from NEWB/ASM. These modifications to the BASIC/CMD binary are performed by the program MAKBAS, which is included here. MAKBAS was not distributed as part of any operating system release. It was used only during the generation of the 6.3.x version of BASIC.

MAKBAS source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=MAKBAS/ASM)

MAKBAS source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=MAKBAS/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
MAKBAS source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)
MAKBAS, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=MAKBAS/CMD)

These are the two parts of the TRSDOS 6.2 BASIC system prior to modification to make the 6.3 version. Note that BASIC/OV1 is the same in both the 6.2 and 6.3 releases.

BASIC62, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=BASIC62/CMD)
BASIC_OV1, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=BASIC/OV1)

To create this version of BASIC as part of the automated system build, the following JCL file was executed, which assembled all of these parts into the finished files. (As is the standard for assembling the LS-DOS system, source files exist on drive 3 and the created files (and intermediate files) are created on drive 2.)



The click filter allows an audible sound to be generated when characters are sent to a given device, usually the keyboard. The "click" can be generated in response to all characters or just a single character. The click filter is a high-memory driver and is installed by the SET or FILTER library commands.

CLICK source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CLICK/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
COPYCOM source code, copyright strings, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=COPYCOM/ASM)
CLIENT source code, client configuration options, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CLIENT/ASM)

CLICK source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CLICK/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
CLICK source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

CLICK, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=CLICK/FLT)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 COM (/DVR)

COM/DVR is the RS-232 serial port driver. In addition to detecting and initializing the UART hardware, it directs DTE modem control signals and manages the transmission and reception of characters. The driver is loaded into memory using the SET library command, which attaches the driver to the specified character device. COM/DVR attempts to load into low memory first, and will load into high memory if there isn't room in low memory.

Notice: Because of a design flaw in MS-DOS/MS-Windows-based systems, you cannot store a file on disk that starts with the letters COM, COM1 or COM2. The PC may hang if you attempt to do this or the system may try to send the file to the COM serial port. Subsequently, use alternate names for these files if you must place them on a MS-DOS or MS-Windows-based system.

COM source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=COM/ASM)
COM2 source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=COM2/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
COPYCOM source code, copyright strings, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=COPYCOM/ASM)
CLIENT source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CLIENT/ASM)

COM source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=COM/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
COM source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

COM, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=COM/DVR)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 COMM (/CMD)

COMM/CMD is a terminal communications utility, providing basic terminal capabilities as well as the ability to download and upload files.

LCOMMGET source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LCOMMGET/ASM)
LCOMM source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LCOMM/ASM)
LCOMMA source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LCOMMA/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
COPYCOM source code, copyright strings, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=COPYCOM/ASM)
CLIENT source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CLIENT/ASM)

COMM source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=COMM/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
COMM source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

COMM, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=COMM/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 CONV (/CMD)

CONV/CMD is a utility for copying files from the Model III Tandy operating systems TRSDOS 1.2 or TRSDOS 1.3 diskette onto a LDOS, TRADOS 6 or LS-DOS disk.

(The CONV application only works in one direction. To move files back to TRSDOS 1.3, using LDOS/TRSDOS 6/LS-DOS, format a single-sided, single-density diskette and place the desired files on that diskette. Then boot TRSDOS 1.3 and use the TRSDOS 1.3 XFERSYS command to get the files off that single-sided diskette - which now looks enough like a TRSDOS 2.3 diskette to fool TRSDOS 1.3 - onto a TRSDOS 1.3 format diskette.)

CONV source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CONV/ASM)
CONV2 source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CONV2/ASM)
(CONV2/ASM is a version of CONV used on the Model II 8" floppy platform to read diskettes in the TRSDOS 2.0, 2.0a and 2.0b formats. CONV2 is not assembled in the Model 4 system build.)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
COPYCOM source code, copyright strings, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=COPYCOM/ASM)
CLIENT source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CLIENT/ASM)

CONV source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CONV/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
CONV source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

CONV, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=CONV/CMD)


DATECONV is used to convert the directory structure of TRSDOS 6.x or LDOS 5.1 diskettes into LS-DOS 6.3 or LDOS 5.3 format, allowing for dates on files beyond 1987, the original design limit of LDOS 5.1 and TRSDOS 6.x. To provide space for additional years, the User password field is replaced with additional date and time information. This is a one-way process.
DATECONV first appeared in LS-DOS 6.3.0.

DATECONV source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=DATECONV/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
COPYCOM source code, copyright strings, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=COPYCOM/ASM)
CLIENT source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CLIENT/ASM)

DATECONV source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=DATECONV/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
DATECONV source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

DATECONV, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=DATECONV/CMD)


The DISKCOPY utility will format a diskette and make an exact clone of a LDOS, TRSDOS or LS-DOS diskette.

DISKCOPY source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=DISKCOPY/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
CLIENT source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CLIENT/ASM)

DISKCOPY source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=DISKCOPY/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
DISKCOPY source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

DISKCOPY, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=DISKCOPY/CMD)


FLOPPY/DCT allows the user to adjust the configuration of the floppy driver in BOOT/SYS. FLOPPY/DCT is invoked using the SYSTEM (DRIVER="") command. FLOPPY/DCT does not actually contain the floppy diskette driver.

The source code name for this module was LDOSDCT/ASM as distributed by Logical Systems, and that name is maintained here.

Up to four physical floppy drives can be controlled by the floppy driver. Floppies may be accessed by any logical drive number from zero to seven, but FLOPPY/DCT can only adjust the configuration of logical drives one thru seven. To change the physical drive on logical drive zero, assign that physical drive to some other logical drive number and use the SYSTEM (SWAP=n) command to exchange the configuration for that drive and logical drive 0.

FLOPPY source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LDOSDCT/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
COPYCOM source code, copyright strings, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=COPYCOM/ASM)
CLIENT source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CLIENT/ASM)

FLOPPY source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=FLOPPY/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
FLOPPY source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

FLOPPY, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=FLOPPY/DCT)


FORMAT/CMD performs low-level formatting of floppy diskette media and high-level formatting of all storage media types. (Formatting for the Radio Shack hard disk systems is handled by TRSFORM6/CMD.)

FORMAT1 source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=FORMAT1/ASM)
FORMAT2 source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=FORMAT2/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
COPYCOM source code, copyright strings, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=COPYCOM/ASM)
CLIENT source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CLIENT/ASM)

FORMAT source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=FORMAT/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
FORMAT source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

FORMAT, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=FORMAT/CMD)


FORMS/FLT allows data being sent to the printer (or any other device or file) to be re-formatted. Reformatting capabilities include setting the page length, width and other printing parameters. Once loaded, the settings used by the FORMS/FLT are set using the FORMS Library command.

FORMS source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=FORMS/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
COPYCOM source code, copyright strings, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=COPYCOM/ASM)
CLIENT source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CLIENT/ASM)

FORMS source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=FORMS/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
FORMS source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

FORMS, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=FORMS/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 HELP (/CMD)

The HELP/CMD utility provides online help on the LS-DOS operating system as well as any other applications that provide /HLP files compatible with the Logical Systems Help system.

HELP63 source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=HELP63/ASM)
HELP62 source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=HELP62/ASM)
This version of HELP (HELP62/ASM) is an older version, apparently as the code stood in TRSDOS 6.2.0. Since it remained in the Logical Systems 6.3.0 distribution, it is included here, but was not assembled and is not needed to create LS-DOS 6.3.1.

The source code for HELP/CMD was not published in "The Source" for TRSDOS 6.2.0.
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
COPYCOM source code, copyright strings, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=COPYCOM/ASM)
CLIENT source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CLIENT/ASM)

HELP63 source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=HELP63/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
HELP63 source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

HELP63, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=HELP63/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 KSM (/FLT)

KSM allows strings of characters to be generated when a single alphabetic key is pressed. It is meant to be used with the *KI keyboard driver, but other applications exist. KSM is installed using the SET and FILTER library commands and always loads in high memory.

KSM source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=KSM/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
COPYCOM source code, copyright strings, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=COPYCOM/ASM)
CLIENT source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CLIENT/ASM)

KSM source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=KSM/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
KSM source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

KSM, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=KSM/FLT)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 LOG (/CMD)

LOG/CMD forces the operating system to re-familarize itself with the locations of overlays on the system disk in drive 0. Normally this command is used when changing diskettes in drive 0, such as when changing from a single-sided to double-sided diskette.

LOG source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LOG/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
COPYCOM source code, copyright strings, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=COPYCOM/ASM)
CLIENT source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CLIENT/ASM)

LOG source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LOG/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LOG source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LOG, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LOG/CMD)


MEMDISK/DCT creates a file-system in memory, using any banks of RAM that are specified. MEMDISK/DCT is loaded using the SYSTEM (DRIVER="") command, and must be loaded as a low memory driver.

MEMDISK source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=MEMDISK/ASM)
MEMDISKA source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=MEMDISKA/ASM)
MEMDISKB source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=MEMDISKB/ASM)
MEMDISKC source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=MEMDISKC/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
COPYCOM source code, copyright strings, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=COPYCOM/ASM)
CLIENT source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CLIENT/ASM)

MEMDISK source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=MEMDISK/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
MEMDISK source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

MEMDISK, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=MEMDISK/DCT)


The PATCH/CMD utility allows files to be modified based on readable strings of old and new byte values. In the case of loadable files or libraries, PATCH/CMD has the ability to layer patches and even extend the size of the loaded module if needed.

PATCH source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=PATCH/ASM)
PATCHA source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=PATCHA/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
COPYCOM source code, copyright strings, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=COPYCOM/ASM)
CLIENT source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CLIENT/ASM)

PATCH source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=PATCH/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
PATCH source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

PATCH, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=PATCH/CMD)


REPAIR/CMD is used to convert Model I TRSDOS 2.3 diskettes into a format that can be read by LDOS 5, TRSDOS 6 or LS-DOS 6. This involves adding information to the GAT sector and changing the data address marks on the directory cylinder to a non-obsolete setting. This is a one-way process.

REPAIR source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=REPAIR/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
COPYCOM source code, copyright strings, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=COPYCOM/ASM)
CLIENT source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CLIENT/ASM)

REPAIR source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=REPAIR/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
REPAIR source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

REPAIR, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=REPAIR/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 TAPE100 (/CMD)

TAPE100/CMD allows Model 100 tapes to be read and written on a Model 4 or 4D system.

TAPE100 source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=TAPE100/ASM)
TAPE100A source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=TAPE100A/ASM)
TAPE100B source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=TAPE100B/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
COPYCOM source code, copyright strings, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=COPYCOM/ASM)
CLIENT source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CLIENT/ASM)

TAPE100 source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=TAPE100/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
TAPE100 source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

TAPE100, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=TAPE100/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 TED (/CMD)

TED/CMD is a visual text editor which was included in LS-DOS 6.3.0 and later releases. It is a sub-set of the capabilities in the LED6 editor distributed by Misosys.

The source code for TED/CMD was not published in "The Source" for TRSDOS 6.2.0.

Note: When TED was being restored for this project, EDAS was returning symbol table overflows due to limited free memory, so the source code was broken into two parts, TED/ASM and TED2/ASM. The resulting executable is exactly the same as that distributed by Misosys.

TED source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=TED/ASM)
TED2 source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=TED2/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)

TED source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=TED/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
TED source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

TED, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=TED/CMD)

[Copyright 1999,2002,2004 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
Mirroring of any material on this page in any form is expressly prohibited.
The official web site for this material is:
Contact this address for use clearances: clearance at
Comments and queries to this address: web_software_2011 at]

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