Radisys Type 2 EPC

Embedded Personal Computer (EPC) Index 
EXM - EXpansion Module  

EPC-26A / 27  Manuals 

Inserting an EPC into an EXM Carrier  
NOTE: Make sure that power to your system is off. The EPC-26A / 27 is not designed to be inserted or removed from a live system.

NOTICE: Use of any of the files or information on this page is AT YOUR OWN RISK. If you want a guarantee on this stuff, seek out any repair / service company that supports EXM / EPC devices.

If you have any files or experience with these devices, you can reach me HERE

EPC-26A / 27 CPU (-26A 486DX2-50, -27 486DX4-100 Enhanced, Pico Power chipset)

H2    Reserved for future use.
H3    Use to enable writing to flash
H4    Do not use
H5    Forces a hosted re-flash of the BIOS. Must jumper H3 also.

EPC-26A / 27 Memory Amounts 
0MB Flash Memory, 4MB, 8MB, 16MB or 32MB SIMM, max 32MB.
2MB Flash Memory, 4MB, 8MB, 16MB or 32MB SIMM, max 32MB.
4MB Flash Memory, 4MB, 8MB, 16MB or 32MB SIMM, max 32MB.

NOTE: The Flash and SRAM memory may be formatted, and each may act as a drive. The Flash may be made bootable, but that prevents any IDE drive from being C: To enable FlashROM to be used as a drive, go to the Advanced menu.

To the best of my knowledge, Flash or SRAM can't be added to the total memory.

Floppy Types Supported
360K, 720K, 1.2 MB, 1.44MB, and 2.88 MB. BUT... If you look at the EMC-FDM, it appears to have a max 500Kbit/s transfer rate, which suggests to me that it tops out at 1.44MB floppies.

Main Setup  Please refer to Chapter 2, BIOS Configuration

Diskette can be internal EMC-FDM or external EXM -9 or -16.
EPC-26A / 27 supports 360K, 720K, 1.2 MB, and 2.88 MB.
   NOTE: The EMC-FDM has a 16MHz oscillator, and tops out with 1.44MB.

Main > IDE Adapter Submenu 

There appears to be issues with some levels of BIOS and drive size.

Main > Boot Sequence Submenu  

Main > Numlock (Keyboard Features) Submenu  

Main > Advanced Menu 

Integrated Peripherals Sub-Menu - Configures COM ports on EPC CPU module.
Memory Shadow Copy ROM into RAM
Large Disk Access Mode: > 528 MB, [DOS] - DOS, [Other] - other operating systems.
Built-in BIOS Extension Configuration Enables Flash memory to appear as a drive.

Main > Advanced > Integrated Peripherals Submenu 

Configure COM ports on EPC CPU module.

Main > Advanced > Memory Shadow Submenu  

Main > EXM Menu 

Each EXM module has an ID, Option Byte 1 (OB1):/ Option Byte 2 (OB2)
Empty slots should show FF 00  00  indicating that no EXM is present
The ID / OB1 / OB2 information is in Chapter 2 of each EXM's documentation.

NOTE: The system does NOT populate these values! You must enter them manually...

Main > Exit Menu