Radisys EXM-13 Video

This is a look at the EXM-13, EXM-13A, and EXM-13B

EMC - Embedded Modular Computer
EPC - Embedded Personal Computer (EPC-21/22/23/24/26/26A/27)
EXM - EXpansion Module

One EXM of note is the EXM-13A, based on the NCR / Symbios Logic 77C22E+... We do have Radisys drivers, but that chip is shrouded in mystery... NT4 does have ncr77c22.sys, which MIGHT work, but I do not know the color depth.

NOTICE: I have NO personal experience with any Radisys EXM related system or components. All these files were retrieved via Internet Archive and were re-named to a shorter format. To me, there can only be one period in a file name, or you may get odd problems with web pages...

Use of any of the files or information on this page is AT YOUR OWN RISK. If you want a guarantee on this stuff, seek out any repair / service company that supports EXM / EPC devices.

If you have any files or experience with these devices, you can reach me HERE

Radisys EXM Modules 
WARNING: Some EXM modules are incompatible with other modules or carriers. Please read the documentation from Radisys. Do NOT assume the EXM format module is compatible in your application!

EXM-13 VGA video controller  (WD WD90C11 video controller)
            EXM-13  Manuals  13_v21b

WD90C11-LR Enhanced VGA Controller Datasheet  
Bt471KPJ50  80 MHz 256-Word Color Palette Personal System/2 RAMDAC  Datasheet 
ICS ??? Probably a clock generator
TC514256AJ-80  256KBx4 DRAM 

EXM-13A True Color SVGA Controller (NCR 77C22E+ video controller, 1MB / 2MB)
            EXM-13A  Manuals  EXM-13A  Files

NCR 77C22E+  
ATT20C490 16M Color Color True-Color CMOS RAMDACs  Datasheet 
ICS2494M Dual Video/Memory Clock Generator Datasheet  

EXM-13B Super VGA Graphics Controller and Accelerator (CL-GD5434 )
            EXM-13B  Manuals  13B_JPWIN 13B_OS2 13BW31 13B_W95 13B_NT3

CL-GD5434-J-QC-F 64-bit VGA GUI Accelerator