Complex Identification
Type 0 Index  

Type 0
-x0x 386DX-20  0KB L2 Cache Type 0 Minus!
-x0x 386DX-20  64KB L2 cache

RF90386.DSK Refdisk (T0 only?)
Only 386 based complexes known
Supports 1, 2 MB 85nS (80nS??)
8MB FPM max (?) 24 bit DMA

Type 1 Index for -xGx, -xJx, -xKx and UPG
Type 1 Refdisk All Type 1
Diags (Common to 90/95/500)
52G9509 BIOS for >1GB IML
Type 1 -xGx  SX-20

64F0201 -xGx (SX-20)
No L2 cache connector
2,4,8MB 70nS FPM matched pairs.
64MB FPM max 24 bit DMA
Some with bad DMA controller
Type 1 -xJx, -xKx, Upgrade DX-50

64F0201 -xJx (DX-25) [84F8036]
64F0198 -xKx (DX-33) [84F9356]
92F0048  Upg (DX-50)
2,4,8MB FPM matched pairs
64MB FPM max 24 bit DMA
Some with bad DMA controller
Accepts 256K L2 daughterboard
L2 - 6451095/0199 17nS 
L2 - 92F0050 15nS (Upg 50!)
Type 1 Upgrade DX2-66 (DX-66)  92F0145
2,4,8MB FPM matched pairs
64MB FPM max
Flash based, supports >1GB IML
Used for RAID systems
** No flash upgrade available **
L2 - 6451095 17nS (64F0199)

Type 2 Index -xHx and -xLx
Type 2 Refdisk  All Type 2
Diags (Common to 90/95/500)
41G9361 BIOS for >1GB IML 
Type 2 -xHx (SX2-50)  , -xLx  (DX2-50)
No L2 cache connector
2, 4, 8MB 70nS FPM simms.
FPM single, matched, mixed pairs
64MB FPM max, 24 bit DMA
Some H with bad DMA controller

Type 3 [There can be only one!]
Type 3 Refdisk   M complex only
Diags (Common to 90/95/500)
Type 3 -xMx DX-50 256KB L2 cache

Only double deck complex True 50MHz Bus!!
SIMMs in matched pairs
64MB ECC -or- FPM max
Enhanced BIOS for >1GB IML
Some with bad streamer support
5 chip Streaming support
32 Bit DMA
Accepts 3x and (careful!) 4x CPUs

Type 4 Index -xNx, -xPx, -xQx and -xYx
Type 4 Refdisk All Type 4
Diags (Common to 90/95/500)
BIOS 08 (dual serial /parallel)
BIOS 10 (single serial / parallel)
Type 4 -xNx DX-66 128KB L2 cache SIMMs matched pairs
64MB FPM -or- 256 ECC max
Some with bad streamer support
Discrete Streaming controller
32 Bit DMA
CPUIDs 041xh and 043xh  HERE
Type 4   -xPx P60 256KB L2 cache

SIMMs in matched pairs
64MB FPM -or- 256 ECC max
Single chip Synchrostream
32 Bit DMA
Type 4   -xQx 71G6197 P66 256KB L2 cache
Transitional "Q" [Suzie Q]
SIMMs in matched pairs
64MB FPM -or- 256 ECC max
Single chip Synchrostream
32 Bit DMA
Type 4 -xQx P66 256KB L2 cache
SIMMs in matched pairs
64MB FPM -or- 256 ECC max
Single chip Synchrostream
32 Bit DMA
Type 4 -xYx P90 256KB L2 cache
SIMMs in matched pairs
64MB FPM -or- 256 ECC max
Single chip Synchrostream
32 Bit DMA

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