SGI IrisVision
Trademark Info
@8EE6.adf   SGI Micro-Channel IRISVISION Adapter 
"sabine" or "High Performance 3D Color Graphics Processor".devices.mca.8ee6

IrisVision Cards
MGE2 Card
IrisVision Block Diagram

IRISVision General Components

MGE2 Base Card (Card has both GE and HI)
The Host Interface subsystem interfaces to the host processor via the Micro Channel Architecture (MCA) bus. It provides all of the necessary data and control signals required by the MCA bus. It also interfaces to the other three subsystems over a local bus which is compatible with the SGI private bus. The Host Interface Subsystem provides the programmable Option Select (POS) registers which are used to configure the MCA bus interface aspects of the adapter.

MGE2 Geometry Engine Subsystem
The Geometry subsystem contains the Geometry Engine which is used to perform the geometric transformations and lighting calculations on the graphics data. It also performs the clipping and high level rendering calculations before sending the data to the Raster subsystem. The Geometry Engine performs high speed floating point calculations under the control of the onboard microcode.

MGE2 Host System Interface
The host system issues commands to the Geometry Engine by sending command tokens and data parameters down a FIFO. The Geometry Engine reads the FIFO and performs the desired functions. The Geometry Subsystem also contains hardware which controls the addressing of the hardware components in the Raster and Display Subsystems.

MGE2 Base Card FRU: 42F6842
P2 Geometry Engine Bus
P3 Utility Bus
U15 SGI L1A5205 53F3269
U17 40.000 MHz
U25 SGI L1A3578 HQ1
U47-51 IDT 7201
U62 Weitek XL-3132 100-GCD
U64 MGE 7951 (VPD)
U67 SGI L1A4252 GRF1
U26-29,36,38,40,42,44 IDT 7164

XL-3132 Floating Point Processor Datasheet

   This is the MicroChannel Geometry Engine. It is based upon the HQ integer processor from SGI (rated at 10 MIPS) and the Weitek XL-3132 floating point processor (rated at 20 MFLOPS). The geometry engine provides the host interface, handles DMA operations, and handles all the matrix operations, lighting and coordinate transformations.

GRFl Gate Array
  Provides two finish flags and corrects some other minor design flaws in the HQl chip.

EDDY Module (U15?)
The Eddy module is the main component of the Host Interface Subsystem. It is responsible for providing the MCA bus interface to the host system. It is also responsible for providing a Local bus interface to the Geometry Subsystem which is compatible with the SGI private bus. The Eddy module is a Bus Master DMA / Memory Slave device for the Micro Channel Architecture.The Eddy module will support a variety of modes of data transfer on the MCA bus, which include:
- Setup Cycles
- 32 bit Memory Slave Cycles
- 32 bit Normal Bus Master Cycles
- 32 bit Bus Master Data Streaming Cycles

The Eddy module only responds to 32-bit Masters when operating as a Memory Slave device. All data transfers to the local bus are 32-bit transfers. The Bus Master DMA feature of the Eddy module will always perform a 32-bit transfer and therefore should always be programmed to transfer data to or from system memory (i.e. 32-bit Slave Memory). The following paragraphs describe the address decoding performed by the Eddy Module.

The Eddy module provides a bus translation from the MCA bus to the Local Bus,
the Programmable Option Select (POS) registers and the Control / Status registers

Address Decode Section: responsible for control of read and write operations to POS
registers, memory mapped I/O registers and memory mapped control / status registers.

Programmable Option Select (POS) registers contain information to identify and configure the adapter,s eliminating the need for hardware jumpers. There are eight directly addressable 8 bit POS registers, as shown in Figure 3.3. Four sub-data registers are accessible through the use of a sub-addressing facility. One of the POS registers indicates channel check status information which is only valid is after an error has caused the Eddy module to Channel Check the host system.

NOTE: I want to illustrate the options. POS and Bit numbers omitted at random.

- MGR adapter ID
- Interrupt Request (IRQ) Level
- Card enable/disable bit
- Byte Order Selection bit
- Wait State Selection bit
- DMA block transfer size and DMA Bus Master enable/disable bit
- Data Streaming Mode enable/disable bit
- Error checking enable/disable bits .
- Memory address
- Arbitration Level
- Fairness enable/disable bit
- Channel Check Status
- VPD subaddress registers

NOTE: Channel Check Status / Sub-Address Register (POS 6) has two functions which are controlled by the status bit (bit 6) of the POS 5 register. If the status bit is 1, this register is defined as a sub-address register. If the status bit is a 0, this register contains status information about the pending Channel Check.

Remember the RS/6000 9-K 10/100 bit Ethernet? It has that PCI to MCA bridge chip (ASIC by AMD) and a bog standard PCI Fast Ethernet controller. Speculation is that XPOS are used to access the PCI Ethernet chip, but we would need to dump the ODT for it in order to find out...

Control / Status Section contains the seven 32-bit registers as shown in Figure 3.4. Some of the 32 bit registers are accessible as multiple 8 or 16 bit registers. The byte ordering of the host machine will affect the address required for accessing the registers when accessing 8 or 16 bit portions of the 32 bit registers. These registers are defined in the registers
section of this chapter.

The Eddy module contains two DMA channels. Each channel will arbitrate for the Micro Channel on the same arbitration level. These channels will operate in a serial manner so that a transfer on one channel will complete before a transfer on the other channel can begin. If an error occurs during a DMA transfer, that transfer will be terminated. The other channel will not be able to begin a transfer until the one that was terminated is allowed to complete.

  Only the identification and location of the adapter can be determined from the POS registers. The vital Product Data (VPD) PROM provides additional information about the adapter. It is accessible through the use of the POS Subaddressing Extension which is described later in the section on the POS registers.

The MGR adapter has a VPD PROM on each of the five cards which are used to form the base and enhanced configurations. Each VPD PROM is 256 bytes and contains the following data:

- VPD Header
- VPD ASCII characters
- VPD total length
- CRC on data within the VPD PROM

VPD data fields
- Card Description
- Engineering Change Level
- Part Number
- Manufacturer’
- Field Replaceable Unit Number
- Next VPD Address
- Loadable Microcode Level
- Serial Number - unique for each card

NOTE: Thank SGI, each VPD chip is socketed into individual pin sockets!

Multi-Phase Clocks Section
Provides the necessary clock signals to the Eddy module. It also provides the various 10 MHz clocks to the Local Bus with the necessary phase relationships.

MCA Bus Drivers
   Provide the necessary drive levels as required by the Micro Channel specification. The Eddy module has the ability to control the direction and tri-state nature of these devices.

Geometry Subsystem

The HQ1 chip controls address decoding for host and acts as a microcode sequencer. The Weitek 3132 chip performs floating point calculations and is controlled by HQ1. The microcode RAM holds the microcode, while the microcode data RAM holds constants, data variables and data buffers. These four components form the Geometry Engine 5 (GE5) which performs the geometry calculations, lighting calculations and various other functions.

HQl Chip
The Head Quarters (HQl) chip is a proprietary Silicon Graphics design and is the main control element in the Geometry Subsystem. The HQl is responsible for controlling the geometry engine and various data transfers among MGR hardware components. The HO1 chip has six functional units as shown in Figure 4.2.

I/O Management Unit

Responsible for providing address decoding and bus control for hardware accesses by the Host Interface Subsystem and Geometry Engine.

Handshake Control Unit
   Used to provide necessary hardware handshake signals between Host Interface Subsystem,  Raster Engine (RE) in the Raster Subsystem, microcode code and data RAM and XMAP2 or XPCl chips in Display Subsystem. It stalls GE5 when appropriate and passes other handshakes through for accesses such as host to XMAP or host to RE.

The handshake control unit allows two types of transfers between the Host Interface Subsystem and the other MGR Subsystems. These two types of transfers are single word transfers and DMA transfers.

Stall Control Unit
  Responsible for stalling the GE5 when a condition arises that requires it to be stalled. The full stall keeps the I/O Management unit in its current state and also keeps the PC, MEMPTR and REPTR from changing. The clock to the Weitek 3132 is fully suppressed and the entire GE5 is literally stalled.

PC Control Unit
   Acts as a microcode sequencer for the GE5. The control unit controls microcode instruction execution sequencing through up to 32K words of microcode. The PC control unit allows branching and conditional jumps. It uses a 15 bit wide PC to access microcode code RAM. Microcode instructions are read from the address pointed to by the PC and are executed by the HQ1 and the Weitek 3132 chip.

MEMPTR Control Unit

   Used as a data pointer for accessing words in microcode data RAM. MEMPTR is 14 bits wide allowing a maximum microcode data RAM size of 16K words. The MGR has only 8K words of microcode data RAM and each microcode data RAM word is 32 bits wide. The MEMPTR is loaded from microcode instructions to perform microcode data RAM accesses by the microcode.

REPTR Control Unit

   Used as an address pointer to RE registers. It is used by GE5 microcode to load RE registers. REPTR is not accessible by host which means that host cannot directly access RE registers. A microcode token GE_LOADRE allows the host to load RE registers with an assist from microcode. The host generally does not access RE register directly and  exceptions will be discussed later.

GE Data Bus Buffer
   This is a 32 bit buffer which allows data to be passed between the GE5 bus and the host interface. Single word transfers use this data path to transfer data between the host and the microcode code RAM, the microcode data RAM and the HQ1 PC register. DMA transfers between the host and the microcode data RAM or between the host and the Raster Engine also use this data path.

Utility Bus Buffer
   This is an eight bit transceiver which allows data to pass between the host bus and the utility bus. Only the low byte of the local bus are passed on to the utility bus. The address decoding and control signal generation are handled by the HQ1.

IrisVision Board Functional Diagrams


Original HERE
Video Resolution
Pixel Clock (MHz)
Horizontal Freq (KHz)
Frame Rate (Hz)
Field Rate (Hz)
Visible Pixels
Line Period (uS)

Blanking (uS)

Front Porch (uS)

Sync Width (uS)

Back Porch (uS)

Visible Lines
Front Porch (mS)

Sync Width (mS)

Back Porch (mS)


ADF Sections AdapterId 8EE6h "SGI Micro-Channel IRISVISION Adapter"

Interrupt Level
   Determines the interrupt level used by IRISVISION Adapter.
    <" Level 2 " >, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12

Memory Mapped I/O Address Range
   Determines the range of Memory Mapped I/O addresses used by the IRISVISION Adapter.  The addresses in this range cannot be used by any other installed device.
   <" 0C0000 to 0C7FFF " >, 0C8000 to 0CFFFF, 0D0000 to 0D7FFF, 0D8000 to 0DFFFF

Arbitration Level
   Determines the bus arbitration level used.
  <" Arb Level 1 ">, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

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