PS/2 Error Codes
Troubleshooting Hints
POST Errors
   Multiple POST Errors
   Beep Codes
Dead System
   Troubleshooting Dead System
General Error Codes
SCSI Error Codes
IML Error Codes (I99xxxx) 
Clearing the 96 8N1 code

Troubleshooting Hints

POST Errors
   Refer to the General and SCSI Error Codes below. If multiple errors occur during POST, resolve them in the order that they are presented. 
   Always cold boot and run Advanced Diagnostics (go into System Programs and at the main menu do a Ctrl-A) before replacing components when trying to resolve software problems. If diags don't fail, replacing components will probably not solve the problem. Refer to the software vendor for possible patches. The software may not be supported on the system. 

Multiple POST Error Proceedure
   If more than one error code is displayed, diagnose the first error code first. The cause of the first error code could cause other devices to fail. This is especially important with configuration errors.

   If no error codes appear, see if the error symptoms are listed in the Error list.

   If an adapter consists of multiple FRUs (memory for example) remove the optional FRUs one at a time to see if symptoms change before replacing the adapter.

   External surge suppressors may be the source for hard to diagnose problems.

PS/2 Beep Codes
A o (small o) indicates a short beep
A - (underscore) means a long beep

o            Normal Operation
o o           A problem exists, check config. Run diags, if no error code displayed
_ o           Display or display adapter problem.
_ o o         Display or display adapter problem.
_ o o o       Display or display adapter problem.
o o o o o o   Continuous short beeps. Check keyboard.
________      Continuous solid beep. System board.

Dead System (no POST, screen blank, no beep) 
   The most likely cause is a device that is shorting out the power supply. An improperly inserted memory module, a defective adapter or device can cause a short circuit. To prevent damage to a power supply, the system board must present a "POWER GOOD" signal to the power supply in 150mS or less. If this does not occur, then the power supply shuts down internally. 

   Known dufus tricks- SIMM inserted backwards (with enough force ANYTHING is possible). adapter not fully seated in expansion slot, power cord not plugged in, unsupported/defective adapter (Non-IBM adapter, like ALR..), or with a heavily loaded system, too many drives starting at once (overcurrent as the drives attempt to spin up- leave motor start jumper open to start drives after the controller interrogates them) 

Troubleshooting a Dead System
1.   Verify power is on (IS cord plugged in?). If the system has power, then go to #2

        NOTE:  Intermittent and very difficult to diagnose system problems, may be caused by line cords which are not fully seated, or are too loose to make a tight connection.

When troubleshooting intermittent post errors, or any unusual, system problems, (for example; system performs power-on reset unexpectedly during operation) check the line cord for proper seating.  Slight forming of the male contacts in the system unit power supply connector may correct the problem -OR- you can sometimes adjust the female contacts in the line cord plug.

WARNING! Remove line cord from outlet before working on line cord contacts!

Replacing the line cord may be necessary in some cases. Both ends of the line cord should be checked.

2.    Remove all adapters, options, extra memory, etc. 
       Remove all external connections, KB, mouse, display, etc. 

3.    Plug in, power on, listen for a beep. The beep indicates POST has run.  Multiple beeps may occur. 

4A. If no beep is heard, verify continuity through speaker.
         If OK, replace system board memory and retry # 3. 
         If still no beep, verify PSU voltages. If voltages are OK, replace system board. 
         If voltages are incorrect, replace the power supply. 85/95 PS 90 PS 500 PS

NOTE: On systems with LogicLock, the switches used to detect unauthorized access might be put in the wrong position during case re-installation.

Unit does not run with cover removed (9556/57 9576/77)

4B.  If a beep occurs, reinstall adapters one at a time and return to step 3. When 
       something is added and the beep is no longer heard, the last item plugged in is 
       probably defective. At this point, it is not necessary to reconfigure the system 
       each time an adapter or device is added because we expect any beep. 

   Defective or weak batteries can cause loss of all setup information. If only part of the setup is lost, the battery is probably NOT the cause. Inaccurate time is usually caused by software, but some of the older models with the 6v batteries are more prone to time slowing down.

Stolen from The Microchannel Enthusist's Page... 

General SCSI Error Codes

Device Size Code     -----------------+ +--------- Unit Reference Code
                                      | |
Adapter MCA-Slot     ----------------+| |+-------- Sense Key Code
                                     || ||
Logical Unit Number  ---------------+|| || +------ Additional Sense Code
                                    ||| || |
Physical Unit Number --------------+||| || |
                                   |||| || |
Device Code Number   ---------+--+ |||| || |
                              |  | |||| ||++
                              |  | |||| ||||
                              0210 401H 9231
   Basically the SCSI Error Codes consist out of an 8-character output like a General Error Code, but have an additional 4-character Error Return Code at the end, which helps to specify the nature of the error. 
  There are small differences between SCSI-Device Errors and SCSI-Adapter Errors. These are explained when neccessary. 

SCSI Error Code Tables

General Error Codes
Major Error Code -----------+---+

                            |   |

                            |   |

Trailing Zeros   -------- 0024 01XX

to fill 8 digits                 ||


Minor (diagnostic Error Code)----++
The Error Code is written in the 4 + 4 style as it appears on a PS/2 Mod. 95 LED-panel and in the Premium Line "extended 8-digits" form. The bold part in the middle is the so called "Major Error Code" and -basically and in large parts- identical with the PC/AT Error Codes and those used on earlier PS/2 machines. 

The 2 digits of the "Minor Error Code" is dependent on the type of the error and -mostly- only specified when running the Advanced Diagnostics. The minor error code is however often given at POST-Errors (after restarting the computer) and might specify a particular error condition. In case the minor error code is marked with "XX" in the follow-up error lists it means "Don't care" and it can be any character. 
Codes 100 - 159 Codes 160 - 199 Codes 200 - 299
Codes 300 - 999 Codes 1000 - 1499 Codes 1500 - 2999
Codes 3000 - 9999 Codes 10000 - 11999 Codes 12000-14999
Codes 15000-19999
Codes 20000-29999

For a chart how to determine a failing memory module on 
Mod. 56/57, 76/77, 85 and 90/95 see Here !

IML-Errors (I9990) 
   These have to do with the Initial Microcode Load on the 76/77, 85, 90, 95, and 500 systems.(and the TP700/720!) see here

Clearing 96 8N1
From Peter Wendt- 
Do the following: 
- push a piece of card under the CMOS-buffer battery clip to have it isolated 
- toggle the Password Override Jumper 
- wait 20 minutes 
- remove the card from under the battery clip 
- start the system with a known good board & appropriate ref.disk 

That worked any time I'd landed on the "ASCII-console mode" during fiddling with SOD- / bad-DMA platforms and Kingston Turbochips :-) Moving only the jumper or only isolating the battery often did *not* cure it. Which is slightly strange. 
 (Ed. I just pull the battery and wait 5 minutes, then it autoconfigures with a 161/163, Date Time not set) 


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