The LS-DOS 6.3.1 Source Code Restoration Project
The Libraries

[Copyright 1999,2002,2004 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
Mirroring of any material on this page in any form is expressly prohibited.
The official web site for this material is:
Contact this address for use clearances: clearance at
Comments and queries to this address: web_software_2011 at]
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Also read History of the 6.3.1 Source Code Restoration Project

The LS-DOS 6.3.1 source tree is available on LS-DOS 6 format or MS-DOS format floppy diskettes, including all tools and TRSDOS 6/LS-DOS 6 utilities needed to assemble the entire operating system. This can be obtained from M. A. D. Software

Library Overview

This page lists all the modules that comprise the LS-DOS library overlays. (These modules are assembled separately and can run as /CMD files.) When building the system, they are consolidated into the three LS-DOS library overlays, SYS6/SYS, SYS7/SYS and SYS8/SYS. A table in SYS1/SYS allows the command interpreter to specify which module to load to perform a given command. The actual task of loading overlays is handled by the resident portion of the operating system.

Because of the small disk capacities of the Model I and III systems upon which the LS-DOS directory structure and storage granule concept are based, there was a need to conserve disk space for the various system commands as well as to avoid using all the slots in the fixed directory structures just to hold the system commands. The library system uses just three directory slots, and consumes less disk space than would be needed if each command was in its own separate file.

In addition, not just any program can be placed in a library, Programs that could run in the memory between 0x2400 and 0x2fff and can still function if the entire region is reloaded when a system call are made are usually made into library modules, while larger programs, programs which can't keep variables on the stack, or programs with other behavior that makes them unsuitable for use as an overlay, are stored in separate /CMD files.

In the source tree, the source code files for library modules are all prefixed with the letters "LB". However, for some reason that will probably remain unknown, the executables built from these source files by the original JCL files were prefixed only with the letter "L". To keep the reconstruction as accurate as possible, this naming convention is preserved here.

Individual library command programs are loaded inserted into the appropriate /SYS file by the program GENISAM4, and are stored and accessed by an ISAM index code. These codes are listed below, as they were originally published in "The Source".

Below, you will find the index for the source code files, assembly listings and finished executable for each command, organized by SYS library and alphabetically within that library. This matches the actual order that the files are assembled by the original JCL files. For convienence, the following table lists commands in global alphabetical order and can be used to jump directly to the program you are interested in.

CommandOperation System OverlayISAM Key
APPENDAppend one file/device to another SYS6/SYS 0x31
ATTRIBChange file access levels and passwords SYS7/SYS 0x51
AUTOSpecify command to execute on boot SYS7/SYS0x11
BUILDCreate a file and enter contents SYS7/SYS0x33
CATDisplay names of files on disk, related to DIR SYS6/SYS0x20
CLSClear screen SYS6/SYS0x24
COPYCopy contents of file/device to another file/device SYS6/SYS0x32
CREATECreate a file with specific size/LRL parameters SYS7/SYS0x13
DATEGet or set the current date SYS7/SYS0x15
DEBUGEnable the system debugger SYS7/SYS0x14
DEVICEExamine disk and characters devices SYS6/SYS0x61
DIRDisplay names of files on disk with more detail than CAT SYS6/SYS0x21
DOExecute a /JCL file SYS6/SYS0x91
DUMPDump contents of a region of memory to disk SYS7/SYS0x71
FILTERDesignate a program to filter characters sent to a device SYS6/SYS0x66
FORMSSpecify printer paper management SYS8/SYS0xB1
FREEDisplay amount of free disk and directory entries SYS7/SYS0x22
LIBList names of commands in the system libraries SYS6/SYS0x19
LINKConnect a device to a driver or another device SYS6/SYS0x62
LISTDisplay or print contents of a file SYS6/SYS0x41
LOADLoad a program or data into memory without runnint it SYS6/SYS0x81
MEMORYShow high and low memory limits or read/set contents of specific memory locations SYS6/SYS0x1E
PURGEDelete one or more files matching partspec SYS7/SYS0x72
REMOVEDelete a specific file SYS6/SYS0x18
RENAMEChange the name of an existing file SYS6/SYS0x53
RESETDisable a device or restore it to boot settings SYS6/SYS0x63
ROUTESend data meant for a device to another device or file SYS6/SYS0x64
RUNLoad and execute the specified program SYS6/SYS0x82
SETLoad a device driver and attach it to a device name SYS6/SYS0x65
SETCOMSet or display serial port settings SYS8/SYS0xB2
SETKISet or display keyboard behavior settings SYS8/SYS0xB3
SPOOLEnable, disable or manage the printer spool system SYS8/SYS0xA2
SYSGENSave system driver and filter configuration SYS8/SYS0x1C
SYSTEMRead or set operating system or disk driver parameters SYS8/SYS0xA1
TIMERead or set the current time-of-day SYS7/SYS0x16
TOFSend a TOF character to the printer (or printer filter) SYS6/SYS0x25
VERIFYEnable or disable disk write verification tests SYS7/SYS0x1B

SYS6/SYS Library

LS-DOS 6.3.1 COPY/APPEND - SYS6 ISAM 0x32, 0x31

LBCOPY source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBCOPY/ASM)
LBCOPYA source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBCOPYA/ASM)
LBCOPYB source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBCOPYB/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
VALUES source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=VALUES/ASM)

LBCOPY source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBCOPY/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBCOPY source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LCOPY, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LCOPY/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 DEVICE - SYS6 ISAM 0x61

LBDEVICE source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBDEVICE/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)

LBDEVICE source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBDEVICE/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBDEVICE source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LDEVICE, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LDEVICE/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 DIR/CAT - SYS6 ISAM 0x21, 0x20

LBDIR source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBDIR/ASM)
LBDIRA source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBDIRA/ASM)
LBDIRB source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBDIRB/ASM)
LBDIRC source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBDIRC/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
VALUES source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=VALUES/ASM)

LBDIR source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBDIR/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBDIR source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LDIR, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LDIR/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 DO - SYS6 ISAM 0x91

LBDO source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBDO/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)

LBDO source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBDO/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBDO source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LDO, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LDO/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 LIB/CLS/TOF - SYS6 ISAM 0x19, 0x24, 0x25

LBLIB source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBLIB/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)

LBLIB source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBLIB/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBLIB source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LLIB, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LLIB/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 LINK - SYS6 ISAM 0x62

LBLINK source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBLINK/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)

LBLINK source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBLINK/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBLINK source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LLINK, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LLINK/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 LIST - SYS6 ISAM 0x41

LBLIST source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBLIST/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
VALUES source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=VALUES/ASM)

LBLIST source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBLIST/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBLIST source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LLIST, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LLIST/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 LOAD/RUN - SYS6 ISAM 0x81, 0x82

LBLOAD source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBLOAD/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)

LBLOAD source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBLOAD/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBLOAD source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LLOAD, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LLOAD/CMD)


LBMEMORY source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBMEMORY/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
VALUES source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=VALUES/ASM)

LBMEMORY source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBMEMORY/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBMEMORY source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LMEMORY, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LMEMORY/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 REMOVE - SYS6 ISAM 0x18

LBREMOVE source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBREMOVE/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
VALUES source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=VALUES/ASM)

LBREMOVE source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBREMOVE/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBREMOVE source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LREMOVE, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LREMOVE/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 RENAME - SYS6 ISAM 0x53

LBRENAME source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBRENAME/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
VALUES source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=VALUES/ASM)

LBRENAME source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBRENAME/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBRENAME source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LRENAME, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LRENAME/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 RESET - SYS6 ISAM 0x63

LBRESET source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBRESET/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)

LBRESET source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBRESET/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBRESET source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LRESET, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LRESET/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 ROUTE - SYS6 ISAM 0x64

LBROUTE source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBROUTE/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)

LBROUTE source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBROUTE/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBROUTE source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LROUTE, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LROUTE/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 SET/FILTER - SYS6 ISAM 0x65, 0x66

LBSET source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBSET/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)

LBSET source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBSET/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBSET source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LSET, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LSET/CMD)

SYS7/SYS Library

LS-DOS 6.3.1 ATTRIB - SYS7 ISAM 0x51

LBATTRIB source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBATTRIB/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)

LBATTRIB source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBATTRIB/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBATTRIB source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LATTRIB, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LATTRIB/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 AUTO - SYS7 ISAM 0x11

LBAUTO source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBAUTO/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
VALUES source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=VALUES/ASM)

LBAUTO source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBAUTO/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBAUTO source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LAUTO, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LAUTO/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 BUILD - SYS7 ISAM 0x33

LBBUILD source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBBUILD/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
VALUES source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=VALUES/ASM)

LBBUILD source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBBUILD/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBBUILD source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LBUILD, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LBUILD/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 CREATE - SYS7 ISAM 0x13

LBCREATE source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBCREATE/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
VALUES source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=VALUES/ASM)

LBCREATE source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBCREATE/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBCREATE source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LCREATE, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LCREATE/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 DATE/TIME - SYS7 ISAM 0x15, 0x16

LBDATE source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBDATE/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)

LBDATE source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBDATE/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBDATE source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LDATE, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LDATE/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 DEBUG/VERIFY - SYS7 ISAM 0x14, 0x1B

LBDEBUG source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBDEBUG/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)

LBDEBUG source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBDEBUG/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBDBEUG source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LDEBUG, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LDEBUG/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 DUMP - SYS7 ISAM 0x71

LBDUMP source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBDUMP/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)

LBDUMP source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBDUMP/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBDUMP source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LDUMP, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LDUMP/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 FREE - SYS7 ISAM 0x22

LBFREE source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBFREE/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
VALUES source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=VALUES/ASM)

LBFREE source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBFREE/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBFREE source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LFREE, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LFREE/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 PURGE - SYS7 ISAM 0x72

LBPURGE source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBPURGE/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)

LBPURGE source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBPURGE/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBPURGE source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LPURGE, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LPURGE/CMD)

SYS8/SYS Library


LBFORMS source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBFORMS/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
VALUES source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=VALUES/ASM)

LBFORMS source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBFORMS/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBFORMS source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LFORMS, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LFORMS/CMD)


LBSETCOM source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBSETCOM/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)

LBSETCOM source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBSETCOM/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBSETCOM source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LSETCOM, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LSETCOM/CMD)


LBSETKI source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBSETKI/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)

LBSETKI source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBSETKI/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBSETKI source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LSETKI, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LSETKI/CMD)


LBSPOOL source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBSPOOL/ASM)
LBSPOOLA source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBSPOOLA/ASM)
LBSPOOLB source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBSPOOLB/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
LDOS60 equate file, EDAS Assembler equate file (ASCII, NAME=LDOS60/EQU)

LBSPOOL source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBSPOOL/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBSPOOL source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LSPOOL, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LSPOOL/CMD)


LBSYSGEN source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBSYSGEN/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
SYS0 equate file, EDAS Assembler equate file (ASCII, NAME=SYS0/EQU)
LDOS60 equate file, EDAS Assembler equate file (ASCII, NAME=LDOS60/EQU)

LBSYSGEN source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBSYSGEN/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBSYSGEN source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LSYSGEN, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LSYSGEN/CMD)


LBSYSASM source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBSYSASM/ASM)
LBSYSTEM source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBSYSTEM/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
SYS0 equate file, EDAS Assembler equate file (ASCII, NAME=SYS0/EQU)
LDOS60 equate file, EDAS Assembler equate file (ASCII, NAME=LDOS60/EQU)

LBSYSTEM source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=LBSYSTEM/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 line paper.)
LBSYSTEM source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

LSYSTEM, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=LSYSTEM/CMD)

[Copyright 1999,2002,2004 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
Mirroring of any material on this page in any form is expressly prohibited.
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